
Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other danger. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.

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  1. dsr

    Main Beam on - safety issue?

    Headlights on (not on auto), with the lights slider switch fully left. More than once now I have pushed the arm to choose main beam and, in the process, accidentally moved the switch to the right - so that I find myself on sidelights. Did it last night on a bendy B road and it scared me more...
  2. bissu

    Marvel r door lock ?

    I just nocited that while driving marvel r luxury my doorcan be open if I try to open it. Is there anyway to lock it ? I nocited even tho car is in lock while driving if anyone try to open door while car is moving in any speed try to open door 2 times it will be opened in anytime it is super...
  3. DaevM

    Emergency services call out button.

    Does anyone else think the emergency services call out button above your head ( central / windscreen ) should maybe be a big red button that says "DO NOT PUSH EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY" in big letters? ( Watched Father Ted Plane episode last night ??). It is in exactly the same place I am used to...
  4. DYWLC

    Touch screen achieves a new low.

    When starting from being parked in a lay-by and wanting to turn off Lane Keep Assist I was unable to get out of SAFETY - POWER OFF - CONFIRM screen. Another reason to get rid of the awfully under developed car. In my opinion it's a real crock of s**t. My wife video's herself trying to exit the...
  5. G

    Undertray broken off

    Hi All, First message on this forum! I’ve had my MG4 long range for around 6 weeks and done just over 1k miles. Last night I noticed that something seemed to be dangling down from the underside of the car. I was shocked to find, when examining it closer today, that it appears that a large...
  6. daz1964

    Indicators keep flashing (blind spot alert)

    Good morning to all. My car is a MG 4 trophy 2023 model.Can any one tell me why my indicators flash every time a vehicle passed by my car, is this a safety feature and if so can I turn it off it's starting to annoy me thank you Daz
  7. G

    Emergency braking causing injury

    Hi guys, The company I work for has an MG ZS 2022 model which is used by various employees for supply runs. Yesterday, our mechanic was on a trip when the EV's brakes locked up taking the car from 60 to 0kph in a second (emergency braking?) He reported no apparent reason for the auto-braking and...
  8. G

    Warm cable

    I’m slightly paranoid about being safe and noticed an oddity. My type two cable was a bit warm on the supply end and smelt a bit of warm electronics - if you know the smell I mean - at work the other day. The cable is my main way of charging as my EVSE is untethered - it came with my car...
  9. B

    Well this sucks (XPower crash tested) ?

    No injuries other than my pride. Stupid set of circumstances with low lying sun, badly parked car and reaching for the sun visor ?
  10. richlove

    Safe, or pushing it? (charge rate from 3 pin plug)

    This is probably not MG4 specific, so feel free to move if not appropriate. [Edit: Moved to General Chat.] I have this new charger (10m extension) that I've been using as I don't have a proper home install (and can't), it plugs in to the 3 pin mains. It has an amp limit setting which I've been...
  11. B

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    [ Moderator: Merging threads on this important and emotive issue. Please use this thread for all unwanted AEB issues. ] Driving out of a Morrison's supermarket at the weekend my MG4 suddenly decided to [for the want of a better phrase] emergency brake. This happened once before in the new year...
  12. M

    MG5 ANCAP testing

    Oh dear! ANCAP testing
  13. Geriatric Joe

    Automatic braking MG 4

    We will be offered MG 4 one pedal driving (Automatic braking) download patch in the near future. Is it a safe feature or does it stop the car suddenly and unexpectedly when driving making it a dangerous feature. Any suggestions for or against, ?
  14. Robf

    Tesla pilot problems

    Whistleblower highlighting issues with auto pilot including phantom braking. Seems to be a problem with Tesla as well. Although they have supplied data that says its much safer when swithced on than off.
  15. D

    Merged thread: Automatic Emergency Braking activating for no reason

    My wife was scared sh**less this morning when her MG4 Trophy did a sudden and totally inappropriate emergency stop, whilst travelling at 30mph through a quiet nearby village. A Tesla was following at a safe distance and fortunately no collision took place. The car was then ok to drive away...
  16. MGEvieNewOna

    Frustration over Drive Mode and Safety Default Settings

    I am hoping that I am not the only new MG owner frustrated at MG Australia's decision not to allow the drive mode default settings to be changed and saved. It is incredibly frustrating having to change the drive mode and driving safety features every time you get behind the wheel and start the...
  17. P

    All this talk about LKA. I'm worried...

    Hi, We're picking up our new MG4 Trophy LR next week, and I'm really concerned about LKA issues I'm reading. My wife will mostly drive it on A roads to take our daughter to school everyday, and to be honest, I'm really worried. Am I being over concerned? Could it end up throwing her into an...
  18. Z

    Battery chemistry reason enough to go for the SE SR?

    So I've been giving this some thought and ignoring for a moment the extra features the trophy has there's a good argument for getting the SE SR purely due to the battery chemistry. As you probably know the SE SR can be safely charged to 100% whereas the LR battery should only be charged to 80%...
  19. L

    Sudden acceleration

    Has anyone experienced the car accelerating fast without warning? I’ve just tried to park, took my foot off the accelerator and the car shot forward. Just checked and it has hit the parking bollard, denting the front bumper a little. Did the ACC kick in? Felt it did this earlier too. Another...
  20. Davn

    Do you think it's safe?

    Do you think it's safe to get in the car?
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