
Loan servicing is the process by which a company (mortgage bank, servicing firm, etc.) collects interest, principal, and escrow payments from a borrower. In the United States, the vast majority of mortgages are backed by the government or government-sponsored entities (GSEs) through purchase by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae (which purchases loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)). Because GSEs and private loan investors typically do not service the mortgage loans that they purchase, the bank who sells the mortgage will generally retain the right to service the mortgage pursuant to a master servicing agreement.
The payments collected by the mortgage servicer are remitted to various parties; distributions typically include paying taxes and insurance from escrowed funds, remitting principal and interest payments to investors holding mortgage-backed securities (or other types of instruments backed by pools of mortgage loans), and remitting fees to mortgage guarantors, trustees, and other third parties providing services. The level of service varies depending on the type of loan and the terms negotiated between the servicer and the investor seeking their services, and may also include activities such as monitoring delinquencies, workouts/ restructurings and executing foreclosures.
In exchange for performing these activities, the servicer generally receives contractually specified servicing fees and other ancillary sources of income such as float and late charges. Mortgage servicing became "far more profitable during the housing boom", and some servicers targeted borrowers "less likely to make timely payments" in order to collect more late fees.

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  1. M


    if the car is serviced by someone like Halfords as opposed to MG is the warranty made invalid ?
  2. teepee

    Year 1 Servicing in London Trophy Connect LR

    Hi all, As the title suggests I'm coming up to the first annual service on my ZSEV LR Trophy Connect. On my second ZSEV now - the first was the Gen 1 car but I'm loving the extra battery capacity and peace of mind on longer trips. I've previously used WLMG (where I've also purchased from) at...
  3. C

    servicing costs

    Hi I have noticed that in US servicing is every 24 months, not 12 as here as a low mileage user , ie c.5k pa why do I need a 12 month interval, other than to keep the warranty valid?
  4. Stuart Wright

    Vänligen dela dina erfarenheter av din återförsäljare. Please share your experiences of your dealer

    Du kan hitta din återförsäljare genom att söka efter namnet antingen här eller på återförsäljarkartan. Vänligen svara i tråden för återförsäljaren med dina erfarenheter av försäljning och/eller service. All information du kan dela kommer att hjälpa läsarna att bestämma vilka återförsäljare de...
  5. MG4London

    MG4 servicing

    To keep full service history on an EV is it much cheaper than ICE cars? If you go once a year to get it serviced how much does it cost?
  6. M

    MG ZS EV First Servicing - Suggestions

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  7. C

    Mg ev servicing from £6 a month!!

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  8. M

    Detailed servicing schedule.... anyone ?

    I think it's due for service every 15k / yearly but wondered if anyone found info on exactly what nonsense MG will insist on to keep the warranty sweet ? My dealership wouldn't budge on chucking in a couple of free ones because the cars are selling like the proverbial warm cakes, so they felt...
  9. OJEastwood

    Mobile Servicing

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  10. A

    Servicing Costs for MG EV ZS Trophy

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  11. Gandalfharrow

    Servicing intervals etc

    I have just bought a 2022 ZS EV, was offered a monthly service plan. Having no idea as to service intervals or costs of servicing I said I would think about it.Can anyone give me any information to aid my decision. What does an EV service actually entail. As far as I can see there is no...
  12. P

    Non MG Dealer Servicing Risks

    If I have the servicing on my ZS EV undertaken by say Halfords, would I risk voiding my 7 Year Warranty
  13. a1970man

    Servicing intervals and costs

    Just waiting for the car to turn up in a couple of weeks but I was wondering what the service interval was and from the more experienced owners, what sort of cost is it. I plan on using MG to keep the warranty happy and to take advantage of free breakdown cover with each annual service. thanks
  14. shawncullen

    Servicing schedule

    Sorry if this has been converted elsewhere. Been in contact with my mg dealer to book car in for first year service. Apparently it doesn’t need one. “I have checked your serving schedule and your vehicle is not due a service until next year It is either 25,000 miles or 24 months whichever comes...
  15. AussiePete

    Cost of servicing and service plans

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  16. Portgordon

    MG ZS EV Servicing Costs

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