
Software is a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data. This is in contrast to hardware, from which the system is built and which actually performs the work.
At the lowest programming level, executable code consists of machine language instructions supported by an individual processor—typically a central processing unit (CPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU). Machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions that change the state of the computer from its preceding state. For example, an instruction may change the value stored in a particular storage location in the computer—an effect that is not directly observable to the user. An instruction may also invoke one of many input or output operations, for example, displaying some text on a computer screen, causing state changes that should be visible to the user. The processor executes the instructions in the order they are provided, unless it is instructed to "jump" to a different instruction or is interrupted by the operating system. As of 2023, most personal computers, smartphone devices, and servers have processors with multiple execution units, or multiple processors performing computation together, so computing has become a much more concurrent activity than in the past.
The majority of software is written in high-level programming languages. They are easier and more efficient for programmers because they are closer to natural languages than machine languages. High-level languages are translated into machine language using a compiler, an interpreter, or a combination of the two. Software may also be written in a low-level assembly language that has a strong correspondence to the computer's machine language instructions and is translated into machine language using an assembler.

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  1. B

    How much time does it take to do software updates?

    Hi, i juat got my Luxury and i am on R30. i ask for my dealer to update to R46 (i said that i have AA problems and bugs which ia true) and they said that they can do it but the update can take even 2 hours. Is it true that software update can take 2 hours? I thought that it takes 30 min ~...
  2. S

    Facelift Trophy Charger Software Version (Tesla Superchargers)

    I had my first service on my 1 year old Facelift MG5 Trophy, and as part of it the charger software was updated specifically so as to enable charging at Tesla superchargers. Unfortunately there is no difference -- it still fails to charge. I checked via CarScanner and OBD2 and the version of...
  3. J

    MG4 software update Europe/Netherlands 2024

    Dear all, I am driving a MG4 luxury for 2 weeks now. I'm getting used to driving electric and I must say, I like it very much. The car drives very comfortably, but with the software there are some parts that irritate me: 1. The lane assist is not a success. Especially if you're not on the...
  4. nbenn

    Software Recall

    Booked my MG4 in for the first year service. I gave them a list of things I'd like looked at, some of them software based. He told me there is software recall on the car but that was the first I'd heard. No other details. He said should resolve most of my issues. Has anybody heard about a...
  5. J

    MG4 lane keeping assist

    Hi, I am looking to purchase a 2023 MG4 ev in the next month. Based on looks and value for money they look worthwhile, however I have noticed on videos that the lane keeping assist and front collision assist can be very agressive. Is this still the case or has the software been updated? Thanks John
  6. J

    Collision detection unavailable

    2023 mg5 warnings showing: 1 Collision detection unavailable 2 Emergency brake unavailable 3 ACC unavailable Brought back to dealer Frank Keane Motors Dublin. They updated software and recalibrated. All well. Drive home. After 20km errors reappeared. Back to dealer. Updated again and...
  7. Pebble

    FL5 - latest software version of built in nav?

    Whilst looking for something else in the "download manuals" on the MG UK website (the section where you put your VIN no. in), I came across an update for the nav. Current version in the car is 2022Q1, the update is 2023Q1. For anyone who's done the update, was it worth it and did you notice any...
  8. K

    Anyone have the update files ?

    Hi, my ZS EV 2019 is out of warranty, I would like to update the software of the car as I believe I have the 2019 very first update that comes with the car. I've never updated it since then. Has anyone got the update files ?
  9. D

    FL - Latest software version?

    Took my facelift 5 trophy in for its first 15k mile service this morning, they also advised that it needed a software update that was flagged as a recall. I checked the software version before the service and now just after picking it up, and it appears to be unchanged. Can anyone advise what...
  10. Freeagain21

    Petition MG about Driver Settings

    Not sure whether this has been shared before, but I stumbled upon this petition today. Not sure what good a petition can do in this case, but in for a penny ...
  11. P

    Software updates

    I’m getting mixed messages from my dealer re various “recalls” – initially I was asked to arrange a half day for a software upgrade but when I made contact for a booking I was told there was no software upgrade but instead a 30 min “wiring check” – very strange!! Can anyone tell me if my...
  12. B

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    [ Moderator: Merging threads on this important and emotive issue. Please use this thread for all unwanted AEB issues. ] Driving out of a Morrison's supermarket at the weekend my MG4 suddenly decided to [for the want of a better phrase] emergency brake. This happened once before in the new year...
  13. A new Software glitch!

    A new fault that isn't Lane Killer! This car won't stop giving me these gifts and I've told it not to, it's going, anyways... I have a latest firmware for the Infotainment and I on the whole like it. HVAC is sorted and I have the new options for the Left hand convenience button on the wheel. I...
  14. P

    Software currently in use

    Where or how do I find the actual software release number currently being used in my MG HS Excite PHEV? My VIN no. is LSJA24390NN091747 Thank you in anticipation Richard G
  15. R

    Faulty charging software?

    4 month old MG 4 charges for no more than 1 minute at a time regardless of whether initiated in car or remotely via MG ismart app. I've used 3 different cables and 3 different chargers to no avail...any advice MUCH appreciated as currently vehicle of little practical use!
  16. D

    MG5 LR 2021 - Rapid Charging - latest software still unreliable - Car communicates SOC then disconnects .

    I picked up my car from the dealership on the 1st Dec after they had it for three days while they investigated the problem first identified to MG in August and documented in threads/rapid-charger-connects-but-fails-to-charge post-248066 . The software was checked and updated as necessary - as of...
  17. S

    MG Zs sat nav updated

    Hey guys I know my MG is not EV but I've been trying to update my Sat nav and been unsuccessful and seem to be in a loop, I have tried putting usb and pressing on update in which downloads the files onto the USB and get a message download this app in which I have done, now this is where I can...
  18. timothy

    What’s is this R62 software update all about?

    Hi all I’ve seen on Facebook someone talking about R62 software update is this true or false?
  19. D

    Software version?

    I have a MG4 XPower (in Australia). I'm having issues with LKA (too aggressive) and phantom braking when using ACC. How can I tell what software version I have and whether an updated version that resolves my issues is available? TIA.
  20. Tara Jane

    How do you know when a new software update is available?

    I called up my MG dealership about a glitch I have had from day 1! ( my MG EV4 has less than 800miles on it) the glitch is my iPhone won’t connect to the apple car play ( brand new iPhone 15 max with original cable) Anyway, the lady on the phone said, OH! Did you know there are THREE upgrades...
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