
Steering is the control of the direction of locomotion.A conventional automotive steering arrangement allows a driver to control the direction of the vehicle by turning the direction of the front wheels using a hand–operated steering wheel positioned in front of the driver. The steering wheel is attached to a steering column, which is linked to rods, pivots and gears that allow the driver to change the direction of the front wheels. Other arrangements are sometimes found on different types of vehicles; for example, a tiller or rear-wheel steering. Tracked vehicles such as bulldozers and tanks usually employ differential steering, where the tracks are made to move at different speeds or even in opposite directions, using the clutch and brakes, to achieve a change of direction.Aircraft flight control systems are normally steered when airborne by the use of ailerons, spoilerons, or both to bank the aircraft into a turn; although the rudder can also be used to turn the aircraft, it is usually used to minimize adverse yaw, rather than as a means to directly cause the turn. On the ground, aircraft are generally steered at low speeds by turning the nosewheel or tailwheel (using a tiller or the rudder pedals) or through differential braking, and by the rudder at high speeds. Missiles, airships and large hovercraft are usually steered by a rudder, thrust vectoring, or both. Small sport hovercraft have similar rudders, but steer mostly by the pilot shifting their weight from side to side and unbalancing the more powerful lift forces beneath the skirt. Jet packs and flying platforms are steered by thrust vectoring only.Helicopter flight controls are steered by cyclic control, changing the thrust vector of the main rotor(s), and by anti-torque control, usually provided by a tail rotor.Ships and boats are usually steered with a rudder. Depending on the size of the vessel, rudders can be manually actuated, or operated using a servomechanism, or a trim tab or servo tab system. Boats using outboard motors steer by rotating the entire drive unit. Boats with inboard motors sometimes steer by rotating the propeller pod only (i.e. Volvo Penta IPS drive). Modern ships with diesel-electric drive use azimuth thrusters. Boats powered by oars or paddles are steered by generating a higher propulsion force on the side of the boat opposite of the direction of turn. Jet skis are steered by weight-shift induced roll and water jet thrust vectoring.The rudder of a vessel can steer the ship only when water is passing over it. Hence, when a ship is not moving relative to the water it is in or cannot move its rudder, it does not respond to the helm and is said to have "lost steerage". The motion of a ship through the water is known as "making way". Boats on rivers must always be under propulsion, even when traveling downstream, in order to move moving fast enough through the water so they turn in response to the helm. This is called having "steerage way".

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  1. R

    When driving over bumps in the road, I feel a sudden impact from the wheels to the steering wheel.

    I have a MG EHS 2022 with 76,000km on it and lately when I drive over bumps in the road I feel a sudden thud from the wheels to the steering wheel. It does it sometimes, not all the time. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks
  2. Y

    MG EHS (PHEV) Steering wheel very stiff

    Hi everyone, I have an MG EHS (2022), and recently, someone hit my door with something and scratched it. He provided his insurance details, and my car was repaired. I took it to an official MG repair center, and they did a 10/10 job. However, when I picked up my car today, I noticed that the...
  3. T

    Steering column universal joint collapse.

    Hi everyone, my MG HS Phev has been a joy to own until now the steering column intermediate universal joint collapsed before Christmas and it has been at the MG service center in Weston Supermare ever since then they seem unable to get two bolts to fit the new union MG parts cannot seem to...
  4. Truly

    MG ZS "armrest" - why do they have them?

    We have just got back from viewing an MG ZS and MG5 at a dealer and were surprised and very disappointed to find that they both have a very high central console between the driver and passenger seats at the front. This makes it impossible to steer (for example when turning a corner) without...
  5. T

    Seating & Steering Updated

    As a prospective purchaser visited showroom this morning. The MG3 Hybrid+ in the showroom has both split fold rear seat and steering adjustable for reach as well as rake :). Dealer warned that not all the current imports have this feature as MG transition to the new specification. Be advised if...
  6. P

    Any recommendations for steering wheel lock? Security device?

    Hiya, I've a week old MG5 trophy in drive and we have a few holidays coming up. We live in a road where car thefts are common. Was thinking of getting a steering wheel lock as a deterrent for the period I'm away. Looked at disclock, stoplock etc and unsure if they are any good. What type of...
  7. flapajack

    Heated steering wheel not heating up?

    Got my MG4 Trophy back from is first service yesterday. Now have the latest R63 software on the infotainment, which is nice (was on R30). Unfortunately the heated steering wheel has decided not to play ball anymore. TBF I had the problem before the service when the infotainment screen decided...
  8. B

    Steering wheel controls

    Hi all, I've had my MG4 Trophy for about 3 months and still feel like I'm learning new things with it. Overall I'm very pleased with the car, however I have one big frustration with the steering controls. I've tried to search through the forum for help but couldn't find anything - or maybe my...
  9. A

    Odd steering click resolved but door handle sticky

    Hi guys A while ago I mentioned an odd click in the steering wheel that seemed totally random and I was concerned it might be the same issue the ZS had. Yesterday I was taking a photo of the dash and I think I have discovered the cause. While positioning my phone I leaned on the horn/airbag and...
  10. F

    small steering wheel

    What does the small steering wheel at the top left side indicate.It some times lights up.
  11. H

    Heated Steering Wheel

    When I put my heated steering wheel on it never remains warm. Sometimes it goes cold completely and warms up slightly after a minute or two. Is this normal?
  12. E

    Unlock steering

    Weird thing happened stopped outside Daughters switched car off didn't lock and went inside. When I came back out switched on but everytime I pressed brake to get it to go to ready could hear a relay and warning on screen saying please unlock steering. The powered steering light was on and amber...
  13. S

    Steering wheel mapping

    Hi, I have just had to have the screen IPK replaced on new MG HS PHEV Trophy due to drivers side fail. Car just come back but now the steering wheel mapping stars on steering wheel don't work. They were working before. Any ideas? I have attached a video. Thanks
  14. erolalper

    Vibration on steering wheel

    Hello, I am the owner of a 2024 model HS PHEV. I would like to share something that came to my mind. When using the vehicle in HEV mode, when the gasoline engine is engaged, I feel a slight vibration in the steering wheel with whirring sound. Especially at low speeds. When the gasoline engine...
  15. G

    Heated Steering Wheel

    Is it just my car but the heated steering wheel is only heating a portion of the wheel and even that is only marginally warm
  16. T

    Steering wheel - peeling/flaking "leather".

    Will post some photos soon. We've had our (second hand) 72 plate ZS EV Long Range since February. We bought it with 14k on the clock and it's currently at 20k. It's generally been problem free. However a couple of months ago, we noticed the false leather coating which covers most of the...
  17. Laurence1982

    Steering wheel switch (left) reset

    Hi all Every now and then (sometimes every day, sometimes only once now and then) the left hand switch on the steering wheel will lose its function (ie be reset to no function) and I have to go into convenience in the menu and reset it. Anyone else have this issue?
  18. Big Ears

    Steering wheel toggles

    They have been working fine till this morning, just the right one, it would not change tracks or station, or pause either, but volume wad okay. I messed with it over 25 miles but no good, so when I got to my destination I held the home button down and all is right with the world again I...
  19. S

    Electric Power Steering Warning Alert

    Siiting in the car stationary in the garage updating a wireless Carplay adapter when a dropdown alert appeared momentarily on the smaller screen " Electric Power Steering Warning". Almost not enough time to read it. The phone app also registered and stored an Electric Power Steering Warning...
  20. Lollipopman

    Visual and audible Warning signs.

    Could anyone tell me please why I have got a steering wheel symbol flashing on the infotainment screen. This happened yesterday and there was a high pitched "chirping" what I can only think was some sort of warning. We only got the ZS Tommy last Wednesday bought brand new.
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