
Steering is the control of the direction of locomotion.A conventional automotive steering arrangement allows a driver to control the direction of the vehicle by turning the direction of the front wheels using a hand–operated steering wheel positioned in front of the driver. The steering wheel is attached to a steering column, which is linked to rods, pivots and gears that allow the driver to change the direction of the front wheels. Other arrangements are sometimes found on different types of vehicles; for example, a tiller or rear-wheel steering. Tracked vehicles such as bulldozers and tanks usually employ differential steering, where the tracks are made to move at different speeds or even in opposite directions, using the clutch and brakes, to achieve a change of direction.Aircraft flight control systems are normally steered when airborne by the use of ailerons, spoilerons, or both to bank the aircraft into a turn; although the rudder can also be used to turn the aircraft, it is usually used to minimize adverse yaw, rather than as a means to directly cause the turn. On the ground, aircraft are generally steered at low speeds by turning the nosewheel or tailwheel (using a tiller or the rudder pedals) or through differential braking, and by the rudder at high speeds. Missiles, airships and large hovercraft are usually steered by a rudder, thrust vectoring, or both. Small sport hovercraft have similar rudders, but steer mostly by the pilot shifting their weight from side to side and unbalancing the more powerful lift forces beneath the skirt. Jet packs and flying platforms are steered by thrust vectoring only.Helicopter flight controls are steered by cyclic control, changing the thrust vector of the main rotor(s), and by anti-torque control, usually provided by a tail rotor.Ships and boats are usually steered with a rudder. Depending on the size of the vessel, rudders can be manually actuated, or operated using a servomechanism, or a trim tab or servo tab system. Boats using outboard motors steer by rotating the entire drive unit. Boats with inboard motors sometimes steer by rotating the propeller pod only (i.e. Volvo Penta IPS drive). Modern ships with diesel-electric drive use azimuth thrusters. Boats powered by oars or paddles are steered by generating a higher propulsion force on the side of the boat opposite of the direction of turn. Jet skis are steered by weight-shift induced roll and water jet thrust vectoring.The rudder of a vessel can steer the ship only when water is passing over it. Hence, when a ship is not moving relative to the water it is in or cannot move its rudder, it does not respond to the helm and is said to have "lost steerage". The motion of a ship through the water is known as "making way". Boats on rivers must always be under propulsion, even when traveling downstream, in order to move moving fast enough through the water so they turn in response to the helm. This is called having "steerage way".

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  1. S

    MG4 Ticking/Rattling Noise Coming From Behind The Steering Wheel

    Hello, my car is an MG4 Luxury with 21,000 km on it. At 20,000 km, a ticking noise started coming from behind the steering wheel. The noise appears at around 15 km/h and becomes inaudible at 60 km/h. It is definitely not a trim noise; it's a mechanical sound, but I haven't been able to figure...
  2. R

    Mg5 steering feel

    In my mg 5 car I have a problem with steering feel. When i change normal to urban after few second It's back to normal again How i can save it or lock it in urban ?
  3. DBedford

    Please release the steering wheel -error

    1st time in 16 months we got the 'Please release thr steering wheel'. Thank goodness the car was off the road parked on a drive as it was unresponsive to any inputs. I disconnected the battery twice which made no difference. On my 3rd attempted I left the negative terminal off while I...
  4. Aitch1

    Decorative Skin

    I've noticed the decorative skin/film over the shiny black parts of the steering wheel are bubbling; and in one area the edge of the trim is breaking up. Before I make a complete idiot of myself, can anyone confirm that this 'film' is or isn't permanent, and could be peeled off, like, say, the...
  5. B

    Do I vibe?

    Hi All, Picked up my new motor yesterday. Lots of faff made to make sure it was at least a Nov 2023 onwards build. The moment I went over 64mph and every time since, I have a notable vibration on the steering wheel with an accompanying sound. I know there's lots of threads out there but...
  6. DrCAN


    Apparently the car is now in Antarctica with abnormal power steering, according to iSmart. Only a few yards away here in Westmorland! Crazy!
  7. shadders

    Mg3 steering wheel favourites

    Hi MG3 driver's Just wanted to capture your steering wheel favourites based on your actual driving style. Currently mine are 1. Left: camera always parking at the shops, etc need the camera to get the perfect angle and why not never had a 360 camera ? just quick to activate 2. Right: still...
  8. case dismissed

    Xpower Stage 2 fix

    My Xpower is having the stage 2 fix detailed in the recent leaked document on xpower vibrations. It took me nearly 6 months to get the dealer to accept the problem, also has random steering episodes which also gained many denials until recently ( still no fix), many questions on this , is this...
  9. RobinH

    Steering column warranty

    2nd service due soon and I want to get the clicking steering column fixed. I have checked the warranty and it appears to be covered for the full 7 years. Has anyone experienced dealers trying to apply one of the shorter validity exclusions?
  10. Aitch1

    New Dashboard Readout

    I've been experimenting with the steering wheel controls and a new pop up appeared...Power of Information. I was on the Mway so couldn't concentrate, then it went off. Anyone seen this?
  11. A

    Steering has an odd click when turning

    Hi guys I got my 2021 PFL a month ago and for the most part I think it's a great car but I have an issue that feels to me like a fault but wondered if others have the same thing. When turning the steering wheel I sometimes feel a click like there is something loose. It is really odd as it's not...
  12. P

    Steering angle reset?

    Hey guys Couple of questions After an alignment does the steering angle sensor need to be rest on the 5? My rears are out of line I assume as they are fixed this is just the way it is. I have had the alignment done twice and it still feels slightly out, nothing damaged, pulling a tiny bit...
  13. Rohnstrom

    Please take control of vehicle

    Hi I just got my MG3 Hybrid. I now got the message"please take control of vehicle" in red on display. Steering was heavy. After slowing down the message disappeared. Anyone has this message? Storm
  14. MG Clive

    [2] MG3 Hybrid steering wheel controls video tutorial guide.

    Another great video from Jerry Pan explaining the steering wheel controls, the lights, wipers and mirror operation.
  15. P

    Fault code

    Hi all I have a fault code but not other issues It is U17FD(83) apparently power steering related I can’t find a description anywhere and just wondered if anyone could throw any light on it? Many thanks
  16. C

    Ghostly driver

    Hi I have a 22 mg zs ev recently aquied , have steering issues when driving pretty well anywhere l feel as though someone is steering apart from me . As I dont understand the ins and outs of the pilot and lane contrill etc it is very annoying to constantly correct the steering ...
  17. S

    What is this sensor?

    Hi everyone. There is a sensor under the steering wheel to the right side which looks like a screw. When you open the panel it has a wiring to it. Does anyone have an idea?
  18. ZS EPS power steering failure

    First problem in over four years but has put the car off the road for a couple of weeks before a garage can look at it (under warranty). Sudden complete failure of power testing with associated error light and EPS failure message on dashboard. Have done a battery disconnect reset and checked...
  19. T

    Cruise Control Steering Wheel Stiff

    Hi, I searched in the forum and couldn't find the answer to this. For mg MG4 Trophy EV, the steering wheel appears stiff when on Adaptive Cruise Control. What I mean by stiff is if you're trying to re-align the car in the lane and move the steering wheel slightly, the steering wheel is very...
  20. E

    Broken down,

    Pulled into a parking space, went from drive to reverse, car now says release steering, can't get drive or reverse, can't lock the car or turn off the lights, any suggestions?
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