
TRAFFIC (Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce), the Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network, is a global non-governmental organisation monitoring the trade in wild animals and plants that focuses on biodiversity and sustainable development. It was originally created in 1976 as a specialist group of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and evolved into a strategic alliance of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the IUCN.

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  1. E

    MG4 EV 51kWh Traffic Efficiency

    Hi all, I have been using my 51 kWh MG4 EV Magnify iSmart (I guess the Trophy Standard Range in many countries) for 2 weeks and 1200km in Indonesia and have been loving it so far. I just have several issues, starting with the range. I believe in the UK the rated WLTP is at 218 miles, which is...
  2. D

    Traffic Jam mode

    Hi everyone. I've picked up my ZS EV LR today, and was stuck in traffic coming home. If the car in front paused for a few seconds, the car moved on automatically as I'd expect. However, if the pause was more than about 10 seconds, a warning came up asking me to nudge the accelerator to move on...
  3. Davn

    Traffic alerts

    Anyone know how to cancel a traffic alert when using AA?
  4. tomsl

    Deactivate Traffic Jam Assistance (TJA) while keeping ACC on?

    I apologise if this has been asked before, but this is something that is starting to annoy me. So if I drive on hihgways, I always use ACC. Sometimes I additionally activate Traffic Jam Assistance TJA for comfort, by pulling the MG Pilot lever twice in my direction, then both ACC and TJA are...
  5. P

    Hazard Lights Flashing

    Hello, Was wondering if someone could help me? I have a MG4 Trophy, I've noticed a few times when I've been stopped or coming to a stop my hazards start flashing, I just assumed it thought the car behind was driving too fast/close? However, I was stuck in traffic yesterday, HGV behind me just...
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