
Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the case of tourism.

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  1. HazardLights

    Is Todhills or Gretna the best place to stop for charging on M6 Southbound?

    Hi, Is Todhills or Gretna the best place to stop for charging? I expect to stop for lunch there although I may throw in another stop if timing proves to be difficult. The background is that I am planning a trip to Manchester in April and working on my Southbound journey. It will be my...
  2. O

    Going to Spain?

    New Spanish regs state ,that as from Jan 26 the red warning triangle will be abolished and must be replaced with an approved orange flashing light which magnetically attaches to the roof. This also has a GPS and some sort of Sim card which can alert the emergency services to your position . All...
  3. Keith Harris

    Parking for 2 weeks

    Who has left there ZS at the airport for 2 weeks in winter. Any problems with starting
  4. decrep

    Travel in NZ without our beloved MG4

    We're having a great time, but bit of drama on the plane over, a disruptive passenger assaulted one of the crew, so we had to divert to Melbourne so the Feds could off load him. We landed at Auckland and caught the train to Christchurch via National Park. Hired a Ford Escape hybrid, not sure of...
  5. EVsince2016

    #Octobahn trip to Berlin

    Octopus Energy have invited a group of online influences to join them on a trip of challenges to Berlin by EV to I'm following some participants & helping out on their challenges! Worth a follow. They met up last night in Folkestone and went via the...
  6. leomindel

    Towbar or rails ?

    Can I ask someone who has their V5C, does it list if the car can tow. I am looking to fit a towbar for carrying bikes or put them on the back when we travel.
  7. J

    First time travelling from East Kilbride to Leeds with MG4

    What is the best way to go from East Kilbride to Leeds via A6? What charging points do I need to use? How to pay? -COMPLETE NOVICE!!!! Thanks.
  8. CuriousIslander

    Quick trip to Sidmouth area in my MG4

    Just had a weekend break to a B&B near Sidmouth to watch our granddaughter competing in some equestrian events at Bicton. Charged up to 100% at home (Isle of Wight) before I left on Friay and put a bit (17%) in at the Wenea charger in Sidmouth. Returned home Monday with 100 miles left on the...
  9. Jeroen

    Still safe to travel to York next?

    Hi all, Question might even be a we bit off topic for this part of the forum, but here it goes. Just getting bits and pieces on the Dutch news about the unrest in the UK. But I am starting to wonder whether it is still safe to visit York and the surrounding area with my son next week. Thanks...
  10. Jeroen

    Any (charging) tips for a trip to and around York

    Hi everybody, Planning a trip to York and surroundings to visit the National Railway Museum and one or more heritage railways. We will be traveling by boat to Hull and from there onwards towards York. We will also be visiting Middlesbrough sometime during our stay. Any tips with regards to...
  11. salty

    How far did you travel to pick up your X Power?

    How far did/would you travel to pick up your, X Power? Would you travel say over 200 miles for a really good deal. I'm looking for an X Power but don't fancy travelling a big distance. So it narrows the choices down quite a bit. Don't really want to be travelling a big distance in my 1st EV...
  12. MG4EVLawyer

    MG iSMART App Travel Plan

    Sorry to post this question again. I may have posted in the wrong area before. However, I’m finding that I cannot any longer create a Travel plan and send it to the car. I used to be able to do this. The car is bound, but when I go to search a destination - post code or address, I just get a...
  13. N

    iSMART , POI, Travel Plan, Calendar

    With the iSMART app under the Travel” section you can search for place you want to visit. Using “Send” then creates a POI in the car while using “Create” sends a “Travel Plan” to the car. I cannot really see any effective difference between them as when selecting “Go” both of them open the...
  14. MG4EVLawyer

    Travel plan creation not working

    My MG iSMART App no longer allows me to search an address and send to the car. It used to work. All I get now is a random series of addresses. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks
  15. billybonfire3

    Mg AA assist if going to Europe

    Can you pay extra if you already have the Mg AA assist through the services to get it extended into Europe too?
  16. R

    Zs ev 52000 miles suddenly very noisy in travel, sounds like a noisy engine ??

    Mg zs ev,52000 miles Suddenly developed a worrying noise in travel, it increases in motor revolutions (not road speed) sounds like it has a noisy engine now?? has anyone else had a similar frightening problem
  17. fshuk1

    MG4 seats

    This is from a guy who travels thousands and thousands of miles regularly.
  18. Rolfe

    Christmas travel - help!

    I have painted myself into a corner, and will have to drive 186 miles to my friend's house in Yorkshire on 23rd December. This is too far for the SR to manage on one charge in winter. Every EV in the country is likely to have detached itself from its wall-box teat on that day and decided to set...
  19. apzs

    Winter travel to Europe

    Hey all, I am planning on travelling to Germany in December. I know there is a rule to have winter tyres. I don't plan to use winter tyres after I return so does anyone know if there is a place to rent winter tyres for a short time? I live in a flat so don't want to buy winter tyres and store...
  20. DBedford

    iSmart Travel function, help please

    Hi all, Does anyone have the iSmart Travel function working please? I'm running iSmart on a iPhone 14 Pro. iSmart is up to date 1.1.5. (hasn't worked with previous version either), just crashes out of the app back to the home page. Any help would be gratefully received. Cheers.
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