
Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the case of tourism.

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  1. P

    Using a normal extension lead outside

    Going away this week and taking my granny charger to plug in when I get there. Is using a normal 5m indoors extension lead a stupid idea for outside for 1 night?
  2. G

    Guardian article on EV travel

    Here's a positive article from The Guardian
  3. sachrisinuk

    Thoughts on our trip to the south of France with a ZS EV LR

    Just got back from month's trip from Kent, UK, to Occitanie (south of France) and back in our our ZS EV LR. Thought I'd share some thoughts and our experience for anyone wanting to a similar trip. 1. Best app to have: ChargePass - so sorry we only figured this out two days before leaving...
  4. ukslim

    First long trip in MG4

    I know people have previously reported on their "long trip" experiences, and having had the MG4 a couple of months going no further than 60 miles from home, I was looking forward to seeing what sort of experience taking it on holiday would be. Warwick to Seaton in Devon. Actually only 160...
  5. Gomev

    Ionity - a summer reminder

    For anybody planning trips over this summer, or anytime really, if you like using Ionity don't forget their passport subscription. I've used Ionity a few times and once you get the charger started they work well, however relatively few locations. For £10.99 a month (cancellable anytime with a...
  6. O

    Summers here Part 2

    For all those wishing to visit France this summer, we recently made the return journey Brive to Chambery around 960 km , 800 on the peage . Fuel costs in a large Boxer van 130 euros , toll road costs 142 euros. Beware Dick Turpin still lives. We did a pre journey route planner which estimated...
  7. B

    Travel plan

    Hi I’m creating a travel plan and sending it to my car, I can get to the travel plan but I can’t access it the go button is not highlightin. I can however delete them. What am I doing wrong?
  8. F

    Travel to France

    Hi I will be twking my long range ZR EV to france in the summer. No major worries getting to holiday location as most of the way main roads with charging points. However holiday place very remote so need to know if a europlug converter plugged into a standard french domestic ug thrn attached to...
  9. MG4 64kw SE

    European Travel MG4 long range

    We just completed a 1300 mile round trip to the French alps and back (4 + dog) in the MG4 SE long range. A journey we have done quite a few times in a Tesla model S. Pleased to say the MG4 was faultless and the journey easier than in the model S due to the longer range and quicker charging. The...
  10. M

    iSmart "Travel" feature (Trophy version only)

    Hi, When you open the iSmart app at the top left of the home screen you have the menu icon (3 parallel horizontal lines). When you select that you get the menu screen with 5 further options to choose. The second one down (under the "Remote Control" option) is labelled "Travel" which if...
  11. S

    iSmart travel option not working in iPhone

    Hi all, I'm using iPhone XS and iSmart app crashes every time when I tried to open the Travel section. Is anyone else have this problem and possibly a solution as well please? Thanks.
  12. P

    Travel to France

    Hallo, I intend to travel to france in a few weeks. I have a MG SV EV , but not the brand new one, so range is what 155 - 170. I am looking to take a bike carrier with two bikes and maybe a roof bag (low profile) without bars ( 2 people ). I would like to know if anybody else has done a journey...
  13. Travel to France Rules?

    I am planning my first ev trip to France this summer with the family. There is enough information already on the forum about the EV side of things. I am not sure about the covid side though. Is 9 months or 7 months since last vaccine enough? Do the kids need 2 or 3 jabs? Do we need to take a...
  14. S

    Have car will travel!

    Collected my MG5 long range today and absolutely love it although the home charger won't charge it - no surprise there then with BP. Charged at 50 kW charger up to 80% and only cost just over £8. To fit wheelchair more easily I've removed the parcel shelf but is there anywhere to store it...
  15. M

    Turning off alarm system for ferry travel.

    I've just taken delivery of hhe MG and plan to travel by ferry in the next few days. We are advised to turn off alarm systems on hhe ferry because of possible movement and vibration. The car handbook does not show how to turn off yhe alarm. However as the alarm is only anti theft and...
  16. F

    Travel to The French Alps

    We’re going skiing in the French Alps in March. Having only had my MG5 EV LR for a few weeks I’m dubious about a journey like that. Has anyone had any experience of traveling over 600 miles in France with their MG (or indeed any other EV) Thanjs
  17. S

    Travel through France

    Hi all, I'm a newbie to this site and will be picking up my new MG ZS EV next week from our local dealer in Tressilac just outside of Periguex (that's France by the way). My situation/question is this.. In the middle of July I need to return to the UK for a wedding (COVID restrictions allowing)...
  18. Cocijo

    Travel using rapid chargers is dearer than using a diesel?

    With the high cost of rapid chargers in many areas it’s actually dearer to travel with an EV than with a good average MPG diesel car. The EV charging prices are ridiculous in some areas of the UK - some charging 64p/kwh. Using £5.60 per gal and averaging 50mpg a diesel will cost 11p/mile for...
  19. Cocijo

    Interesting article on UK EV travel
  20. Cocijo

    Another interesting travel and public charging video

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