
Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode-ray tube (CRT) systems which, in turn, were replaced by flat panel displays of several types.
Video systems vary in display resolution, aspect ratio, refresh rate, color capabilities and other qualities. Analog and digital variants exist and can be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, magnetic tape, optical discs, computer files, and network streaming.

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  1. Les burrows

    Why we drive EVs all summed up in this video

    I know this is American but I think this guy sums it up very well. Les
  2. 5teep

    New MG5 video from James and Kate

    Points to note, car has done 100k miles and the brake pads are near perfect still and it's still on 94% battery efficiency!
  3. S

    How to unlock Video in Motion?

    Please help me, I need enable video in motion from the engineering menu but I can't change anything in there. I think needed unlock Engineering Menu after that change settings in the Engineering Menu.
  4. L

    MG4 Sat Nav - adding in favourites

    This may seem a stupid question, but is there instructions or video to show how to add in Favourites into the MG4 (Trophy) Sat Nav. I can add in destinations via address etc, but I have a number of places I need to put into the system, so i can just click on the name and it will take me there. I...
  5. Captain

    My first MG video for a while.....Am I wrong...?

    Let me know...?
  6. Les burrows

    Solar SCAMs

    This video from Jordan is very much one you should take the time to watch if you have or are thinking of having Solar PV at you home Les
  7. J

    Infotainment system video input

    Has anybody seen the infotainment system on the Pre-Facelift LR removed from the car? Wondering what connections it has, if any and how much of a challenge it is to remove. Want to try and fit a 360 degree camera system without adding another screen if possible.
  8. Les burrows

    Interesting Video from Matt at GoGreen autos

    Very interesting footage this one have a watch and give us you views and opinions I’m sure you will. Les
  9. Alb

    MG Motors UK Longbridge Site

    Came across this earlier today and thought it might be of interest.
  10. F

    Interesting video on battery technology, voltage, SoC, SoC estimation etc...

  11. AB71

    Interesting test drive video to watch

  12. Stuart Wright

    Does anyone have any video of the Cyberster in the UK that you can share, please?

    I'd like to get some video of the Cyberster in the UK. Does anyone have any video? From Goodwood, for example? If so, could you upload it somewhere like YouTube, Dropbox or Google Drive so I can download it please? I'd like to show it in our next podcast. Thanks
  13. MartinSEsr

    Video player on MG4 - where to get .mp4 videos from?

    As the title, I would like to have a film or two for times when stationary and waiting, by putting them on one of the USB sticks in USB 1 or 2. But where can I get some from?? Amazon Prime and Netflix unsurprisingly don't let you download the films, neither does youtube. Where and how can I...
  14. Les burrows

    Looking to buy an EV some great advice here

    Some basic but very good advice for anyone looking to purchase an EV from dave takes it on well worth a watch first before you start. Les
  15. evbull

    Can you play YouTube video on central screen directly or via phone in MG4 trophy?

    Hi all, I know this is a long shot. Is it possible to play YouTube video in central screen of MG4 trophy? This could be directly or via Android phone. Has anyone tried or possible? I guess only while stationery like Tesla. Thanks
  16. tonybridge

    Interesting Antipodean video

    Forgive me if everybody has already seen this Australian-weighted video! This guy isn't afraid of the occasional salty language, and says some interesting things, e.g., Recycling of Batteries (at around 47 minutes), and LKA (around 53 minutes)
  17. Les burrows

    interesting video from Dave takes it on

    Not sure if these figures are correct but interesting video from Dave. Les
  18. Les burrows

    Interesting video I thought all be it not MG related

    Not MG related by a good watch Les
  19. robmjones86

    MG ZS EV Facelift - Audio on Video Not Working

    Hello: First post! I have an MG ZS EV facelift model, had it a week and loving it! Still working out kinks but one that has me stumped is the video from USB stick working for the visual, but no audio coming through. I have formatted the USB drive as FAT32 and NTFS, no difference. Do I need to...
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