First full charge and equalisation after BMS update on 25/01/2021 gave me 449 V. Equalisation took more than 2 hrs (overnight), from 92% battery to 100%+ equalisation took 6KWH. Range with HVAC off, E mode - 174, N mode- 158, S mode-150.
I am completely baffled by how my car is behaving with regards to it's charging patterns ?.
On Saturday at 11.30am, I plugged in the car to carry out it's first home charge / balance.
It had 92 miles of range remaining on the GOM before starting.
It took 5 hours to get to 100% and it was only pulling just under 4.0kw from my wall box.
At 10.00pm it finally completed the balancing process.
Almost 11.00 hours to complete !.
It resulted in 154 miles of range and 449 volts on the pack.
I used the car briefly on Sunday and then started the second home charge / balance.
On Sunday, I commenced the second home charge / balance.
It had 91 miles on the GOM and 62% when plugging in.
When the charge started at 1.00pm, it was pulling the full 7.0kw from the wall box.
By 3.00pm it had reached 139 miles of range and reporting 97% with 30 mins left to complete.
At the thirty minute mark it started to throttle back the charge to 3.190 kw ( which I would expect ).
The car reported 100% charge complete at 3.30pm which matches the charge rate and time scale.
It then commenced the balancing process, which took 4 hours.
This morning ( Monday ) the car reported 143 miles of range in normal mode with 449 volts on the pack.
Then a short trip of 43 miles and we returned with a remaining range of 101 miles left on the GOM.
The car performed just fine and the consumption for that short trip was 3.4 miles/kwh.
Therefore the miles covered matched the miles consumed pretty much spot on !.
I have returned home and placed the car back on a charge / balance again.
My energy meter is now saying the car is now only pulling just under 4.0 kw again and therefore the charge time is going to be lengthy ?.
Does anybody have any idea why the car could be requesting different demands for power from the wall box on different days ??????.
Saturday it was asking for 4.0 kw - Then Sunday the full 7.0kw - Today ( Monday ) back to 4.0kw.
As you can see from the above figures, the SOC was very close at the start of each charge so this can not be an issue.
In my mind, the car should accept 7.0kw each time the car is plugged in, unless the SOC is very high, it which case you would not be pulling in anyway.
You would consider it be normal for it to start throttling back to 3.6 kw (ish) at around 97% SOC towards the end to the charge, but not before.
When the charge is completed, it should then only be pulling about 500 watts to finally balance the pack.
I have unplugged the car and will try again latter just in case it is a battery temperature thing, which I am pretty sure it is not.
This one has me totally beaten folks, I have no explanation for it's behaviour.
Any ideas on this matter will be gladly received.