Standard Member
Had some time this week with my new MG4 SR. Been to loads of places. I love the car.
Got a few niggles. Has anyone had this?
1. Put into sports mode. After chucking it about for 30 seconds it automatically goes into snow mode. In 27C ?
2. Quite like the keep lane assist. Only tried to kill me once. But it’s good really.
3. Infotainment is proper Chinese software. Unintuitive and clunky and buggy and unpredictable.
4. Why can’t I have a profile. I feel like a stranger in the car when I get in.
5 Response and handling is incredibly good. Chucked it about in a storm and puddles and it didn’t care.
6. Lovely when it’s clean in the sun. Beatiful car.
7. Errors when charging about the 12v battery. Then never happened again. No idea ?
8. Driver window has full close on button pull. The others don’t?
9. DAB randomly stops letting me change channel and sticks on something else.
Not MG faults
1. Need a tinkle bell or something in supermarkets. People are oblivious to EVs. Walk in fromt of me. Same with birds on lanes. Gtf out of the way you daft sparrow.
2 CarPlay is decent. Needs to allow more dashboard tweaking. It’s a bit poor on customising.
In summary, I LOVE the car to drive. I find the software frustrating.
Got a few niggles. Has anyone had this?
1. Put into sports mode. After chucking it about for 30 seconds it automatically goes into snow mode. In 27C ?

2. Quite like the keep lane assist. Only tried to kill me once. But it’s good really.
3. Infotainment is proper Chinese software. Unintuitive and clunky and buggy and unpredictable.
4. Why can’t I have a profile. I feel like a stranger in the car when I get in.
5 Response and handling is incredibly good. Chucked it about in a storm and puddles and it didn’t care.
6. Lovely when it’s clean in the sun. Beatiful car.
7. Errors when charging about the 12v battery. Then never happened again. No idea ?

8. Driver window has full close on button pull. The others don’t?
9. DAB randomly stops letting me change channel and sticks on something else.
Not MG faults
1. Need a tinkle bell or something in supermarkets. People are oblivious to EVs. Walk in fromt of me. Same with birds on lanes. Gtf out of the way you daft sparrow.
2 CarPlay is decent. Needs to allow more dashboard tweaking. It’s a bit poor on customising.
In summary, I LOVE the car to drive. I find the software frustrating.