Acronyms are confusing


Established Member
Jan 4, 2021
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Since joining the electric car world I have been confused by all the acronyms that we have here...Can folks add any acronyms below so life for newbies like me are a bit easier. So far I can remember ....
BMS = Battery Management System.
GOM = something about mileage
ABS = Automatic Braking System
SUV Sports Utility Vehicle
PHEV Plug in Hybrid Vehicle
VIN Vehicle Identification number
SOC State Of Charge
PDI Pre Delivery Inspection
SAR ........
OVMS Open Vehicle Monitoring System
HVAC Heater Ventilation Air Conditioning
MG Morris Group

Updated above...any more ?
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found some more that need explaining ....SUV, PHEV, VIN, SOC, PDI, SAR, OVMS, HVAC and of course MG ...
Agree, acronyms abound - and not only in the EV world. My stab at answers.......

GOM = guess ometer
SUV, = sport utility vehicle
PHEV, = Plug in hybrid electric vehicle
VIN, = vehicle identification number
SOC, = stat of charge
PDI, = pre delivery inspection
SAR, ?
found some more that need explaining ....SUV, PHEV, VIN, SOC, PDI, SAR, OVMS, HVAC and of course MG ...
SUV =Sports utility vehicle
PHEV =Plug in hybrid electric vehicle.
VIN =Vehicle identification number
SOC =State of charge.
PDI = Pre delivery inspection.
SAR = ?
HVAC =Heater ventilation air condition.
Anyone fill in the blanks?
SUV Sports utility vehicle
PHEV Plug in hybrid electric vehicle.
VIN Vehicle identification number
SOC State of charge.
PDI Pre delivery inspection.
HVAC Heater ventilation air condition.
Anyone fill in the blanks?
OVMS open vehicle monitoring system
One of my favourites - Hypermiling: Hypermiling is the art of driving economically and exceeding vehicle manufacturers stated efficiency by modifying driving habits and techniques.
particularly releveant to EV’s - a lot of this on here.
Ask me to design a piece of test equipment, no problem, but I get to name it......?

REmotely Controlled Typhoon User Module - RECTUM*
Automatic Radar System Equipment - ARSE

* currently going through the process of applying for a patent, unfortunately the name had to be dropped/changed during that process :cry:
SOH - State of Health - a % score of how "healthy" a battery is.
SAIC - Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation, company that owns MG
GOM - Guess o Meter - a pseudoscience device that can accurately predict cars drivable range (within +/- 100miles).
I work in aviation, you have no idea, we can have whole conversations without using 1 full word.
One of my favourites - Hypermiling: Hypermiling is the art of driving economically and exceeding vehicle manufacturers stated efficiency by modifying driving habits and techniques.
particularly releveant to EV’s - a lot of this on here.
Hypermiling is a sure way to pee drivers off behind you for the sake of another bit of mpg/mkwh .for safety your speed should be kept as constant as possible not accelerate decelerate accelerate etc
Has its roots in the online IT centric journal
It usually has a meaning contrived to suit the situation. F'rinsrance a petrol station that has run out might be described as having gone TITSUP: Total Inability To Supply Usual Petrol. In sure our readers can invent more.

The Register is IT centered but if there's any story that is worthy of pursuing for sheer entertainment value, The Reg will run with it and worry about the IT angle later.

The Register (El Reg) is also the home of the BOFH or Bastard Operator From Hell and his sidekick the PFY or Pimply Faced Youth. Their escapades are chronicled in an occasionally regular series of stories. Catch up here. It'll help to while away those lockdown hours:

Oh, and the comments on The Register articles are almost always worth following up.


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