So, big decision to make. My orange Trophy is likely to arrive in the next couple of weeks, and I'm not sure I want it.
I mean, I do want it, very much. But I don't want the risk and hassle that potentially goes with it.
Oil leak (maybe), bulging undertray (almost certainly), no scheduled charging (almost certainly), potential seat issues (hopefully not), incorrect temperature sensor (maybe), unable to pre-heat when plugged in (almost certainly), TPMS warnings (maybe), driver fatigue warning (maybe, hopefully the sensor has been removed otherwise almost certainly), etc., etc., etc.
And the ultimate will-it-won't-it worry about being locked in the car despite having the key. I'm not a small guy, and the thought of climbing through the back seats and out the boot fills me with a sense of dread and laughter all at the same time.
My current car needs a service and MOT in January, so delaying will mean unwanted expense and more depreciation as it goes over 4 years old. But I think I'm coming to the conclusion that I should just cancel and wait 6 months to see if/when the issues have been satisfactorily resolved.
Bit of a pointless post really, but just wanted to get it off my chest.