The tweak I mentioned means the settings of new cars, which are:
Gearbox mode: AT
Drive mode: None
Emissions: CN-VI
These settings are default in new cars, like mine. I just got it two months ago.
whereas ---------------
The settings thousands of users have changed into, and in my opinion native to the motor, are:
Gearbox mode: AMT
Drive mode: Mode 1
Emissions: EU-V
So, what I am saying is that MG, by introducing a new facelift in 2023 and other cosmetic improvements to the car, including a new UI for the infotainment system, the motor remains the same.
Meanwhile, legal requirements for new cars in many countries, on the ground of environmental protection, etc., have changed. So, instead of putting a new motor, especially designed for the new requirements, MG simply tweaked the motor electronically to meet them.
BUT, these settings, i.e. the first ones mentioned above, are NOT NATIVE to the motor, resulting in lag and lack of power.
If my speculation is correct, then the second set of settings are the ones for which the motor was original designed. If so, then, those settings would NOT harm the motor, because they are NATIVE to the motor.
I hope I have made myself clearer this time.