Standard Member
I have some issues with automatic switching between day and nightmode for Maps. During the day it works fine. When I enter a tunnel e.g. the Mg4 switches from day to night and back to day when there is enough daylight.
Howeven when I start using Android Auto, Maps always starts in day mode, which is much too bright of course. Regardless the setting on my phone. I can fix it by going to Android Auto settings on my phone and switch it to night mode. But you have to repeat this every time. Like a lot of things in case of the MG4 :-(
It's not only my phone that suffers from this behaviour.
Anyone similar experiences ?
Mg4 ER 2023
Phone Pixel6a and Oneplus8
Howeven when I start using Android Auto, Maps always starts in day mode, which is much too bright of course. Regardless the setting on my phone. I can fix it by going to Android Auto settings on my phone and switch it to night mode. But you have to repeat this every time. Like a lot of things in case of the MG4 :-(
It's not only my phone that suffers from this behaviour.
Anyone similar experiences ?
Mg4 ER 2023
Phone Pixel6a and Oneplus8