First i used to connect my phone by wire, a good quality cable is a must.
Then i bough a AA Wireless unit, worked great but disconnected and reconnected at 1 island on the way to and from work - 5 days a week.
Strange signal causing it to do this? God knows.
Currently using a
Eonon , very similar to the AA Wireless with the addition of being able to play Netflix and Youtube. I've only tried running these 2 apps whilst parked on my drive.
You have to hotspot your phone for the data connection, Android Auto and Apple Car Play work using bluetooth so you have to manually switch.
I got this as i thought 1 day when charging somewhere with no services/toilets etc, then it could help kill the time.
It was from
Ebay Eonon check the page for a discount code as i ended up paying £55 ish, compared to £89 for AA Wireless when it come out.
It also has a microsd memory card slot if you want to add music/films.
It will save using the other usb slot.