Novice Member
I guess in what grounds depends on local legislation. Here in Sweden I've been advised to not even try or insurance will not cover... hence, installed a wall charger.Completely incorrect. You can fully charge an electric car using plug-in chargers. We have been doing it for the last 2 months while we have been sorting a charger.
Yes you need to be carefully about what you're plugging it into as it will pull a constant high current draw but provided you have good wiring it will be fine i.e. ours is plugged into a socket which is 1 cable from the main consumer unit.
As for insurance bailing, on what grounds? I plugged something into a plug to the BS standards and there was a fire? Insurance would have no grounds not to pay out but I think the bigger issue is more your house has burnt down.
But good to know it works just slow... it could be a life saver