Established Member
Hi, I have developed a full featured nodered dashboard for my Mg4. It is in french but It could be easy to translate it. I hope that it can be helpful.
Could be Mosquitto - which is an open-source MQTT "message broker"I got stuck on the first point:
Install Moquitto.
What is Moquitto?
I have SAIC MQTT Gateway installed in home assistant. But I don't know what to set up there...
FYI: There is a Mosquitto intergration available for home-assistant - it's called MQTTI got stuck on the first point:
Install Moquitto.
What is Moquitto?
I have SAIC MQTT Gateway installed in home assistant. But I don't know what to set up there...
But that's only to connect to to the broker not an actual MQTT broker itselfFYI: There is a Mosquitto intergration available for home-assistant - it's called MQTT
Mosquitto broker is an addon you can install in Home Assistant to have your own broker. Simply add an account in HA and only allow local connections, then connect the SAIC to that MQTT broker (it's the default so you only need to add the username/password you setup in HA).But that's only to connect to to the broker not an actual MQTT broker itself
anyone with the 64kwh that can tell me if they face the same issue?I have a question for those that use the SAIC MQTT. The mg4 that I bought, is the one with 64 kWh.
In home assistant, when I charged the car at 100%, the max measurement I got for the soc_kwh sensor, was maximum 52.2.
Isn't that strange? Shouldn't the soc_kwh be around 64 when the car is fully charged?View attachment 22289
interesting stuff - I've got the MQTT streaming data, is that actually querying the car every minute by default? Won't that stop it "going to sleep"?
edit - looks like it doesn't query the car that often while its powered down.
Just look out the window for the DLRs being on"Alexa, turn on car heating" - OMG, that could make life a bit easier, although there seems to be no easy way of checking it actually worked without opening the app which seems a bit pointless(although if I say it in the kitchen I'll see if the lights come on)
Hi,I managed to integrate MG4 into Home Assistant. I used here the MQTT and SAIC MQTT Gateway (Python) instructions.
The vehicle sensors are loaded. But I have the problem that most of the time the commands to control them don't work. For example, the command to turn on the air conditioning does not start. Sometimes it does, but 90% of the time the command doesn't execute and the A/C doesn't turn on. Yet the data from the vehicle is updated correctly. Someone advised to add this to configuration.yaml, but it doesn't help:
- name: "MG4 remote climate"
unique_id: 1d200c71-7e7e-4afd-94d2-e38933731bcf
command_topic: "saic/MY_EMAIL/vehicles/MY_VIN/climate/remoteClimateState/set"
payload_on: "on"
payload_off: "off"
state_topic: "saic/MY_EMAIL//vehicles/MY_VIN/climate/remoteClimateState"
state_on: "on"
state_off: "off"
Does anyone please know why the commands don't work?
Hi Rockstar,Hi, I have developed a full featured nodered dashboard for my Mg4. It is in french but It could be easy to translate it. I hope that it can be helpful.
I have updated Readme with some links to help people add added the support of multi-language.Hi Rockstar,
As a fan of Node-Red I was interested to see your project, it looks pretty thorough. Nice work.
Can you tell me if this is intended to run on Node-Red inside HA or on a standalone instance of Node-Red.
I have both available to me and run a mosquito client on both although I have loaded my first attempt at understanding your Node -Red flow on a stand alone Raspberry Pi.
I have no experience of using the GitHub - SAIC-iSmart-API/saic-python-mqtt-gateway, particularly with Node-Red and to be honest am facing a bit of a steep learning curve trying to understand it.
At present, I am still trying to figure out how to use it and enter the necessary data to access the SAIC-iSmart-API. Are there any pointers or advice you can offer?