Lots of slightly to hugely inaccurate information out and about on the interweb.
Green hydrogen is a viable alternative, an electrolyser isn't the only method of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. The process is energy intensive, but electricity isn't the only energy that will split water, heat energy does it very well, ask anyone who has had to work on a blast furnace when a tuyere blows out because the water cooling jacket leaked water/steam into the burden along with the super heated air used to create the whole blast principle. The heat turns the water droplets into water gas, the perfect mix of oxygen and hydrogen to create intense heat the whole fire brick lining was never intended to contain.
A mix of heat energy and electrical energy will do the job, intense heat developed by concentrating solar energy will do it, not just good for torturing ants :lol:
Heat manganese to a molten state and quench it with pure water, the oxygen is immediately separated from the water to oxidise the metal leaving the hydrogen to be syphoned off, reheat the oxidised metal and the oxygen is released, repeat the process .....
These ideas came from a book written quite some time back called
Light, Water, Hydrogen: The Solar Generation of Hydrogen by Water Photoelectrolysis by SUDHIR RANJAN - Hardcover - 2007 - from Zubal Books (SKU: ZB1222152) ..... there is a lot of new tech coming out lately involving using carbon in the plates rather than the very expensive titanium
Towards cost-effective and durable bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane electrolyzers: A review
Just for information purposes, the hydrogen used for rocket fuel is methane subjected to steam reformation .... basically stripping the carbon molecule away leaving hydrogen
https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-production-natural-gas-reforming#:~:text=In steam-methane reforming, methane,for the reaction to proceed. Now you understand why the fossil fuel industry is backing hydrogen, methane is also known as natural gas .....
The excess renewable energy in the middle of the day or at night when the wind is blowing but everyone is asleep so the electricity isn't needed, could be used to generate hydrogen and the Sabatier reaction method used to combine CO
₂ with the hydrogen to form green methane ..... relatively easy to store and decant compared to hydrogen, big business in Australia liquifying methane for ocean going ships to transport around the world .... like Japan .... can you see why they are in favour of hydrogen rather than battery storage?
T1 Terry