Are you happy with your MG4?

Are you enjoying your MG4?

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On the whole I'm happy, some of the plastic interior seems to scratch very easily, a quick dust seems to generate scratches on the gloss black plastic.

Having to turn on "one pedal driving" every time is daft,

Drive modes also resets one pedal driving which irritates me and of course LKA.

The adjustable floor doesn't adjust enough so you can't put a space saver wheel under which is also daft.

TBH, I'm not a fan of having to use the touch screen while driving and would prefer actual buttons for commonly used things like aircon (assigned on steering wheel now)

Nothing that makes me regret buying but all things that would improve the overall experience for me.
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I bloody love this car!

Snow lying this morning, and temperatures hovering around zero. The car was in the garage to prevent it icing up, but it was still really cold. Ten minutes before I was due to leave (after lunch) I got my phone and asked it to pre-heat. When I opened the door the car was toasty. There was no time for me to get cold between leaving the house and driving off.

Followed a Kia e-Niro on the main road, couldn't resist, overtook him and left him for dead. Overtook some other slowcoach a bit further on. Weather bright and cold, car toasty, cosy, magnificent. Got to my music teacher's house five minutes early as I had been so drive-happy.

Lesson ended and it's pitch dark. Temperature below zero now. Activated the pre-heat before packing up to leave and again straight into toasty warm car.

A couple of errands on the way home, and the car is so easy to park, even the SE with just the sensors and no camera. I get a bit too close to the car in front as we are forming a queue at traffic lights, and car flashes up an emergency brake warning and does it. I don't blame it, it had flashed a warning a second or two earlier, but I was trying to clear a box junction before I completely stopped. Actually well impressed.

Got home on 45% battery (that's since last Thursday), put the car back in the garage and plugged in. Still toasty warm as I got back in the house. No standing freezing my bits off holding a petrol nozzle, not ever again.
My dealer told me that LKA being on as a default was tied in to N-Cap safety regs....
We already know that. :) And rumour has it that updates to NCAP mean that newly rated cars (i.e. rated after the updates come into force, so not applying to existing models) will mean that such safety systems can't be turned off at all.
My dealer told me that LKA being on as a default was tied in to N-Cap safety regs....
NCAP 3 stars for this car.

Right just want to share a few of my impressions after one year.

1. Body - is not well designed
- wipers - there is a big area in the bottom right corner of the windshield that remains unwiped during the rain (sometimes I get distracted )
- if somehow is raining and you drive it with the window open all the water from the body gets into the cabin
- the shape of the body has a big drag coefficient of 0.27cd
Drove it at over 80+ mph the car felt unsteady
2. Inside - lack of light in the back passenger seats - in China where they produce the car LED light costs probably 10p. I can't imagine the reason why they didn't install one in the back.
Cheap materials, not so comfy chairs I am referring to the shape.
3. Infotainment - Apple Play and Android car play work when they want. weakening time when you start it feels laggy you might already drive it and the console is still booting.
The outside temperature gauge is not displayed anymore.
4. Heating - poor - to feel like 23 you need to raise it to 28 degrees, cold air is no problem, probably had installed in California, but fans sound awful when you raise the temp and are on auto mode.
5. Driving - very punch up to 60 mph after that lazy asf. The rear tires tend to wear more quickly than the front ones. As I am self-employed I travel long miles is not something you can rely on.
The range drops about 50 miles when is cold. Range 200 miles displayed after fully charged at over 12 degrees outside. Charging at services (if I put petrol for 20£ for example in a 2. l car it gave more mileage than if I put let's say 20 pounds in electricity ) is very expensive, to avoid that you have to drive it not more than 100 miles to meet the range and to be sure you get back home so actually the range is 100-120.
So in general without offending anyone here - this is a car mainly for the city, not to be driven over 60 mph.​

I wait to sell it and never again an electric one. I realise that for me 2.0L + engine is the one.
I am not sure about other EV manufacturers but this one is a kich.
I am not mentioning here about the Sevices at Eden MG Swindon. Avoid it if you can.
1100R33 infotainment (plus other updates applied at the same time) resolve a lot of the interface issues. See my 1100R33 thread.
Right just want to share a few of my impressions after one year.

1. Body - is not well designed
- wipers - there is a big area in the bottom right corner of the windshield that remains unwiped during the rain (sometimes I get distracted )
- if somehow is raining and you drive it with the window open all the water from the body gets into the cabin
- the shape of the body has a big drag coefficient of 0.27cd
Drove it at over 80+ mph the car felt unsteady
2. Inside - lack of light in the back passenger seats - in China where they produce the car LED light costs probably 10p. I can't imagine the reason why they didn't install one in the back.
Cheap materials, not so comfy chairs I am referring to the shape.
3. Infotainment - Apple Play and Android car play work when they want. weakening time when you start it feels laggy you might already drive it and the console is still booting.
The outside temperature gauge is not displayed anymore.
4. Heating - poor - to feel like 23 you need to raise it to 28 degrees, cold air is no problem, probably had installed in California, but fans sound awful when you raise the temp and are on auto mode.
5. Driving - very punch up to 60 mph after that lazy asf. The rear tires tend to wear more quickly than the front ones. As I am self-employed I travel long miles is not something you can rely on.
The range drops about 50 miles when is cold. Range 200 miles displayed after fully charged at over 12 degrees outside. Charging at services (if I put petrol for 20£ for example in a 2. l car it gave more mileage than if I put let's say 20 pounds in electricity ) is very expensive, to avoid that you have to drive it not more than 100 miles to meet the range and to be sure you get back home so actually the range is 100-120.
So in general without offending anyone here - this is a car mainly for the city, not to be driven over 60 mph.​

I wait to sell it and never again an electric one. I realise that for me 2.0L + engine is the one.
I am not sure about other EV manufacturers but this one is a kich.
I am not mentioning here about the Sevices at Eden MG Swindon. Avoid it if you can.
Mmm, not keen then, fair enough, can't please everyone. You gave it a go, and it wasn't for You, again fair enough. Good luck with whichever car you get. ??
We already know that. :) And rumour has it that updates to NCAP mean that newly rated cars (i.e. rated after the updates come into force, so not applying to existing models) will mean that such safety systems can't be turned off at all.
Where have you heard that?

This isn't my understanding from the NCAP literature: to be a system that can't be turned off it has to be classed as a safety system (eg ABS), not merely driver assistance.

I am not saying it won't happen, nor am I saying it is not where we are headed, but I understand there are no plans to do this at present.
Where have you heard that?

This isn't my understanding from the NCAP literature: to be a system that can't be turned off it has to be classed as a safety system (eg ABS), not merely driver assistance.

I am not saying it won't happen, nor am I saying it is not where we are headed, but I understand there are no plans to do this at present.

The rumour was from an experienced journalist reviewing the new Aston Martin DB12. To keep 5 star NCAP safety ratings manufactures are going to have to keep up with NCAP requirements which seem to change every year.

Listen to Harry from 10 minutes in !!

We already know that. :) And rumour has it that updates to NCAP mean that newly rated cars (i.e. rated after the updates come into force, so not applying to existing models) will mean that such safety systems can't be turned off at all.
Well I kind of assumed that some folk didn't given all the fuss made on some of the reviews on YouTube....?? Interesting to read what you have said about safety systems not being turned off at all......
I have to say that other than the very narrow road I ended up driving down yesterday, I have no issues with Lane Management bits.
Quote from Autocar too on speed restricting measures ?

Read the last sentence ☹️

“How does an intelligent speed assistance system work?

The system that will become mandatory on new cars later this week uses a forward-facing camera mounted on the car and the vehicle’s satellite navigation system to identify the speed limit and, if the car is exceeding it, to restrict the fuel flowing to the engine until the vehicle is at the limit speed.

Embedded242001380 500x339

At no point does it operate the brakes, so the reduction in the car’s speed is gentle and progressive. As the ISA comes into play, the accelerator pedal becomes unresponsive. The ISA system approved by the EU will be overridable, which means the driver can ignore it by firmly pressing the accelerator. If the driver continues to drive above the speed limit, the system will sound and display a warning for several seconds.

The system is likely to be ‘default on’ – meaning it’s active every time the car is started – but can cancelled by the driver at any time. The ETSC recommended this feature be included during the first few years to make ISA systems more acceptable to motorists. Of course, this means the system could one day be permanently active.”

Source : Autocar
Quote from Autocar too on speed restricting measures ?

Read the last sentence ☹️

“How does an intelligent speed assistance system work?

The system that will become mandatory on new cars later this week uses a forward-facing camera mounted on the car and the vehicle’s satellite navigation system to identify the speed limit and, if the car is exceeding it, to restrict the fuel flowing to the engine until the vehicle is at the limit speed.

Embedded242001380 500x339

At no point does it operate the brakes, so the reduction in the car’s speed is gentle and progressive. As the ISA comes into play, the accelerator pedal becomes unresponsive. The ISA system approved by the EU will be overridable, which means the driver can ignore it by firmly pressing the accelerator. If the driver continues to drive above the speed limit, the system will sound and display a warning for several seconds.

The system is likely to be ‘default on’ – meaning it’s active every time the car is started – but can cancelled by the driver at any time. The ETSC recommended this feature be included during the first few years to make ISA systems more acceptable to motorists. Of course, this means the system could one day be permanently active.”

Source : Autocar
The MG4 has that now, but it doesn’t work at all well.
It doesn’t see the speed limit signs properly at night.
It does see signs for side roads. A favourite is switching to 20mph on a highway because there’s a sign visible on a side road.
The GPS speeds are way out of date. The nav system still defaults to 30mph in Wales.
Even if you do pass a sign that it recognises, if you turn onto a different road, it doesn’t know the speed limit.
The manual actually states these things regarding the speed limit signs. Turn it off if you don't like it. They all read signs on side roads (other brands as well) but I don't worry about it. It usually sees a correct sign shortly afterwards. Look at any car brand/model forum and the same issues pop up, LKA, speed sign recognition, adaptive cruise control and autonomous (phantom) braking.

In a few years the advances in AI will resolve all these things.
I’m afraid I’ll jinx it posting this but I’m really happy with my MG4 SE SR.

Had an ID.3 as my first EV but sold it for a profit to buy a Curpa Born which turned out to be a total lemon. Decided to go for a base spec as I wanted the LFP battery and badge snobbery wouldn’t let me spend the money on anything other than the SE as was after value for money.

It’s doesn’t feel as special as the Cupra but it’s definitely better than the ID.3. Where I feel it beats those two is:

No stupid haptic steering wheel buttons.

More physical buttons.

keyless entry works all the time especially, the boot which only worked about 50% of the time on the Born.

Infotainment is fiddly but far less laggy and buggy.

Don’t have to select a user and online mode every single time you start the car.

The driver assist camera is in the windscreen wiper arch so it doesn’t give you a sea off error messages due to being obscured by ice or snow etc.

It’s got normal wipers that are set up for right hand drive and don’t throw water in your line-of-sight or draw a line of water right on it either!

The interior feels better put together and more upmarket than the ID.3 although not as nice as the Born.

I really like the shape of the steering wheel.

The brakes are much sharper and less spongy. The transition between regen brakes and friction brakes is much more consistent.

I prefer the suspension to both the ID.3 and the Curpa. It’s more firm than the ID.3 but not as firm as the Cupra.

Actual button on the key fob. You can operate them from your pocket without actually having to look at the key fob first!

So far it seems far less inclined to slam on the brakes or yank the steering for danger it perceives that isn’t there (with LKA off). The Born would treat me to that at least once a fortnight! Driving on country roads was very unnerving as the Born liked doing full emergency stops for foliage.

Cheaper services, VAG are taking the piss on that front.

Overall everything just seems easier to live with. It’s incredibly nice to drive, especially for the price point. It doesn’t make me nervous it will slam on the brakes as I approach parked cars or queuing traffic, which is nice!

So far only a couple of niggles. It’s going in for a software update next week so fingers crossed that doesn’t wreck it. That was like Russian roulette with the Born.

The only things are notably worse are the sign recognition is useless so I have to turn it off to stop the speed sign flashing where it’s got the wrong speed and ACC isn’t anywhere near as smooth. Feels quite harsh and jerky as it seems to try and maintain an exact distance with little slack. Other than that, very happy so far and can see why it gets such good reviews. Even if has one of the ugliest rear ends on the road!

Oh I forgot one! The mi/kWh displayed on the ID.3 and Born were complete fantasy. It was always out by about 10% and I think it didn’t take into account anything but traction use. On the MG4 it seems bang on!
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Are you enjoying your MG4?

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    Votes: 911 77.7%
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    Votes: 90 7.7%
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