Gadget Geek
Distinguished Member
If the icon is orange, it's in use. If it's green, it's available. Took me a while to work that one out.I'm undecided. I've yet to figure out how Plugshare tells you that a charge point is in use.

If the icon is orange, it's in use. If it's green, it's available. Took me a while to work that one out.I'm undecided. I've yet to figure out how Plugshare tells you that a charge point is in use.
Ah, edit that. Orange are CCS, green are Level 2. If you go into filters, make sure the "In Use Stations" is on. The in use chargers should appear grey on the map as far as I can tell.That's what someone told me. But it doesn't compute. I was checking it with a friend one evening and it was absolutely clear that our local charge point was clear, both from ChargePlace Scotland and ZapMap (and personal observation about ten minutes later), but it was orange on Plugshare. It's always orange on Plugshare.
To me it seems that rapid chargers are orange and type 2 (only) chargers are green. They don't change colour.
Also, when a charge-point has more than one connector, I want to know how many are currently in use.
Or you could say that people with home chargers are unfairly advantaged over those who don't and in particular those still using fossil fuels, which attract fuel tax and 25% VAT.Did you know that if the government charged the same rate of tax to non-home-chargers, Gridserve would only cost £0.60 per kW/hr. That's because VAT is only 5% for home charging but 20% for all others. That's a quarter of the countrys population, who cannot have home chargers, dissadvantaged.
Almost criminal in my opinion and totally aginst the governments own policy to encourage all into EVs by 2030.
Don't forget the only (mostly) reliable way to find out if chargers are in use is by the charge companies own app (and not always then). They don't all share their network/charger status with the reference apps like ZM and Plugshare.Maybe this will help.
How to Use Plugshare - Charged Future
There are many features in Plugshare. This How to Use Plugshare tutorial walksthrough the top features for new users. Read the article to learn more!
If you click on the grey icon, it will tell you how many of each type are there and how many are in use ( which will be all of them as it's grey. I've just tried it at random on the map).
Click on the charger you are aiming for, if it's orange or green, it means plugs are available and it will tell you how many are in use and how many are available.