Just wanted to make this point after diving the 24/25 mg HS for nearly a week ..
Ive noticed huge improvements to the infotainment system that needs to be implemented into the MG4 / Xpower range namely bluetooth is like 100% better hardly drops out / or needs re pairing almost everytime you get back into the car
( im not sure if this is on the hardware lvl of fix or just better software but much better )
The infotainment menus are much more intuitive and alot cleaner ..
Heres to hoping that MG can fix some or the shabby Infotainment issues with the current MG4s and Xpowers !!
I have had one issue with it everything went static ( remember the old tube tvs ants on tv static ) had all screens like that then cameras wouldnt show stuff after a few hard resets it sorted itself ..
I recommend ( if the interest compels you to do so ) to take a look at the new 2024 25 MG HS its quite a decent car..
like i said in another post add AWD , 200kw and make it EV at a 55k - 60k aud price point with is current ride and drive and it will beat the likes of most other EV suvs out there..
Havent got any full side pics but it gives me jaguar f pace vibes side on !!