Established Member
Yeah I always like to put the fob in pouch, then make sure the boot is locked before I depart. You’re right about the failure of the pouch though, as I’ve noticed recently I can approach the car with the fob secured and still open the car!@FrancisM, as you have found out there are 2 ways to gain access to the car/boot ignoring the App. Buttons on the key fob operate over a long distance whereas the door and boot buttons will only work if the key fob is within a sort distance if the car - tested to 1 metre in my car. As @siteguru says all access points are locked whenever the car is locked using whatever method.
I always carry my primary key in a Faraday Pouch, just in case, and test the efficacy of the pouch by trying to open the car using the door buttons when next to the car. As a result of testing, my original pouch houses my spare key and is wrapped in tinfoil because the pouch failed over time.
Will do what you recommended with tin foil until I can get a new pouch, I think…