I have this issue but in reverse, I set the charge level to 100% in the iSmart app and saved, it shows as "long range mode". A few minutes later when I open the app it's shows "health mode" and the charge is et to 80%.
I may go out and set it in the car now to see what happens.
The app setting, which is stored in the cloud, will override the car setting.
But the app setting is retrieved from the car when you set it in the car.
Which means if you set it to 80% in the app and save, it should save the setting in the cloud, and then the cloud will send the setting to the car.
If the car shows 100%, either the car never got the message, or the cloud is storing 100% , so it’s a bug with the app or the cloud.
if you open the app again, do not refresh from the car, and it shows 100% limit even though you set it to 80 before, it means the cloud setting is wrong.
Setting the value in the car to 80% will only persist until the cloud sends the 100% signal to the car again later.
Hence it won’t persist in the car because the cloud has the wrong value, the app can’t change it, and the car is connected to the cloud and gets the wrong value.
If you disconnect the car from the cloud, and the 80% persists, you know the cloud is broken.
It might be specific to your account: try clearing the cache, logging off, and then logging on again to the app.
This same scenario happens with the charging schedule.