Only all the usual checks which I presume you've already done (schedule, % charge, etc).
Yeah, checked that (twice, in case I’d had an outbreak of ineptitude).
48 miles range left so my choices were limited. MK MG said 14th December, Bedford 16th December, Aylesbury; February (!). No firm promise of a hire car via the dealer, trying the “WTF am I supposed to do” line fell on deaf ears.
Sidenote- MG’s customer support (dealers and centrally) is horrific. People very pleasant but the “main customer service” 0121 number got me through to someone in Newcastle who suggested I sent an email. Not their fault if thats all they have been told to do, but the management need slapping with a wet kipper.
AA man (via MG) came, unsurprisingly said its foobarred and nowt he could do.
Dropped it at MK MG, and service desk girl could not have been nicer. Took my details then said “we normally get a first look between 3-5 days, you did say the car wasn’t working to the booking people (re the 14th Dec first available appointment) didnt you?”
Through gritted teeth & clenched fists- “yes, yes I did”.
Hire car for four days via AA/MG. Fortunately on holiday Sunday so that solves part of the no-car issue.
Moby has done, to date, 32500 miles and been trouble free until now. He’s a) under warranty and b) leased with maintenance so any costs aren’t my problem but JFC they really need to work on their service processes.
So after three phone calls & two emails, no response from the Garage. No direct number so forced to go through Glyn Hopkin centrally & they can’t seem to get hold of the garage.
Moby could be fine, could be not- nobody seems to want to tell me!
[ETA]- Pretty sure the actual bod(s) I speak to on Monday morning when I go there will be lovely, its the getting-through-to-someone-with-a-brain bit that’s proving difficult
Further update to the saga-
Presented myself at MG MK this morning, Told by person on the front desk that servicing bloke “was busy, he’ll be with you shortly”.
30 minutes later I’m still sat there. Grumpy mode engaged.
Finally spoke to him- “sorry sir, I wasn’t told that you were waiting”- they’ve done several SW updates but that didn’t cure it (sigh, I’m 99% confident the charger is blown and just needs swopping out). MG central maintenance bods have asked them to deplete the battery and then see if that cures it.
In better news, they have chucked me keys to a Leaf and I plan on holding it hostage until Moby is out of intensive care.
Again, once you have got through to someone with decision making abilities and a functional brain cell, you’re fine; its just the acrobatics needed to get to that point that are a significant source of frustration.
He’s alive!
Checked via the app- he’s on charge at the dealership now, one assumes that the issue is fixed. Not been told by them yet (although I am on nights this week so not expecting a call).
In other news, the updates appear to have fixed scheduled battery heating & travel plans- neither of them have worked for me before.