Established Member
Taking argument to absurdity doesn't work. When people feel speed limits are arbitrary rather than make sense they ignore them. As in example with 20 speed limit on previously 60 Road. It doesn't mean that people ignore all the speed limits just those that appear to make no sense. 60 country road often sees people to do 60 still.The corollary argument to yours is remove all speed limits & let the people decide how fast to go?
Does that make sense to you?
Speed limits should be made to make sense not as some crazy control exercise. I am not opposed to 40 road where 40 road makes sense just like I wouldn't opose 90 A road where 90 A road makes sense. However arbitrary attitude of "let's just makes all roads slower" isn't really any solution at all. You seem to want to keep some road 50 just for a sake of it even if 70 is safe there that doesn't sound like logical way of running the road network