By the way, I think you're dead right about the system limiting generation when the battery is full. The pattern of the top being sliced off the curve is very clear now, and as you say, it starts when the battery is full.
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You can also see the peaks of the hot water. I think what I thought was a very high peak just before the dishwasher finished was actually a hot water boost coinciding with the dishwasher doing something.
Thanks. I'm not at the stage of messing with the settings as yet, baby steps. The installer did say something about this, but it's a lot to take in. Clearly I'm not going to need to boost the hot water for a while though! And I do have the option of asking the oil-fired central heating to do a hot water boost if I want. Although the installer said, now we're in the business of you not using any more oil until autumn.
I need to experiment, but it might be cheaper (or indeed even free) just to run an electric fan heater in the living room in the evening for a bit, if it gets chilly then, than to crank up the central heating boiler.
It's tea-time, and I'm tempted to put something on to cook, just to see how it works. Probably use a bit of battery. But it's too hot to eat a hot meal!