The battery and the inverter are GivEnergy. I think it's clipping because of the lack of a G99. Probably. Possibly.
... our spend on electricity (taking export into account) is 10.23p per day. THAT makes it all worthwhile.
Is that taking your standing charge into account?
I'm pretty sure that the solar would not clip if I plugged the car in. However, as the car is currently at 100% and has been since Friday, this experiment is not possible. I saw 5.76 kW this morning, momentarily, just as the sun broke through the complete cloud cover we had from daybreak to 11.15. (I saw similar yesterday, and on Friday there was a momentary peak at 7.37 kW during a blink of bright sunshine.) At that time the battery was still charging. But by the time the sun really got going, about 12.45 the battery was full and it was clipping again.
I see that the system started getting the hot water going as soon as the sun broke through, prioritising that over the battery charging. Then after that was done it was export all the way (boo, hiss). Not quite sure why there's that little battery blip after each water-heating boost, looks as if each time the immersion heater has used a little bit of the battery. It didn't do that yesterday. Maybe because the sunshine was a bit intermittent at the time?
But then, mid-afternoon, I had two thoughts. One was that I'd spilled something on the clean jeans I was wearing yesterday evening, that I wanted to travel in on Tuesday, and I wanted to wash them. So I chucked them and a few other items in the washing machine.
The other was vanity. Yesterday evening on a Zoom call I didn't like the colour of my hair. This afternoon I saw myself in the mirror and REALLY didn't like it. Again, I wanted it right for going away. So I decided to colour it, which involves having a shower. So after I'd started the washing machine I did that. I'm now dressed and decent again, but the washing machine hasn't quite finished. (Get on with it, I want these things on the line in the sun.) Oddly enough though, all that usage seems to have been mopped up and the system is back to exporting.
Hopefully I'll at least have the cheap night-time tariff by the time I get back from my trip to England. I don't know why they're being so obstructive about the G99. Still, I'm better off than before I had the system, at least if you don't count the cost of the system, which is where we came in.