... at the end of each day as long as you have a few kWh in your battery, then you are at an optimal level - you are only going to see you running out this in Dec / Jan
What I did worked OK. The battery had already begun its overnight discharge by 10 pm, and was on 92%. I ran the fan heater for a couple of hours while I watched a film, and by the time I went to bed at midnight the battery was down to 50%. So more than 40% of the battery was used by the fan heater just in those two hours.
The battery was down to 28% by about 6.30 am, when the solar input had grown to the point where it could start recharging. So it was fine for a couple of hours on an evening when the sun was going to come up pretty early, but there clearly isn't scope to do much more than that.
For us in the Summer a very overcast day usually gets around 10kWh, a sunny one 30+kWh.
In the winter 10kWh would be a great day, 4kWh the norm.
Today is fairly overcast although I think there might have been the odd break in the cloud, and I've already got 8.1 kWh before one o'clock. I don't see any way to look back and see how much I got on each day, but the system has been live since Thursday and the total generation has been 136.5 kWh. That sounds about the same as what you're saying - these days were fairly sunny, Saturday was very sunny.
... at the end of each day as long as you have a few kWh in your battery, then you are at an optimal level - you are only going to see you running out this in Dec / Jan
Yes, but running a fan heater in the evening rather than fire up the central heating is a strictly small-scale operation, only good for two or at the most three hours.
If youre on IOG thats not the best way to operate, FIT not being available nowadays.
Feed in tariff is flat rate 15p so it's easy to calculate and feed in later ready for import from 23:30
This month my daily bill is around 10p this includes running 2 x EV, Air Conditioning, washer, tumble dryer, immersion heater etc. My export income is over £7.50.
Running SEG is really good for the grid and you exporting at peak times very helpful.
Plan in the future to put Air Conditioning in busy rooms, it works really well with batteries being so efficient.
I have managed to shift to IOG this morning. Current situation is car fully charged and battery on 71%. Hot water hasn't done a thing since yesterday afternoon and isn't particularly hot, but it's OK and I'll wait to see what happens.
Panels had been hovering between 1.3 and 2 kw most of the time, with only a small amount of export about 9.30 when there must have been a blink of sun. However it seems to be brightening up now, the panels just shot up to 4.3 kw, and again I'm seeing a small amount of export, so maybe the Eddi will do its thing some time this afternoon.
I had to charge the car this morning in order to get IOG initiated. It only needed about 2 kwh to be full so that was fine. I had intended to do it on the granny charger to ensure the charge came from the battery, but on the Zappi it still mostly came from the battery with only 0.3 kwh of grid import when the car's demand momentarily exceeded the battery's discharge rate. This was fine, but it makes me think I am indeed in danger of the problem mentioned earlier of the Zappi sucking everything out of the house battery. I did mention it to my supplier but I wasn't sure what I was talking about and maybe neither was he. It's all OK so far though.
I'm going away for a week, tomorrow morning, so the house and the solar will be left to get on with whatever they want to do. I can watch what's happening while I'm away and maybe get a better handle on it all.
John, I live 760 feet up in the hills at 55 degrees north. Air conditioning isn't even on my radar.