It's a learning curve. I'm currently figuring it out so that I can operate it without thinking about it once I know how it works. It's just an irritant that the G99 is taking so long. I think it will be a lot easier once that has come through, but it's educational to see how it works when export payments aren't available.
Its a very nice feeling, rates highly on the smugness scale running a car on daylight

Why 6 weeks ?
John, I'm genuinely sorry if I upset you. I very much value your advice. My post you replied to, which was under this one, was in fact a reply to the post before it - I hadn't seen this one.
It is highly smug. I reckon if it's as sunny as I hope tomorrow I might just get the car up to 100% and balance, with luck. That's after bringing it back on about 28% late last night, then driving it down to 18% this morning.
Why six weeks, you ask? My installer thought it would be quick, but they knocked him back. Why, he asked. He said there's nothing at the premises before this installation, no complications at all. They said it's not the property it's the street. We're simply guessing that it's something to do with my next door neighbour having the same set-up installed over a year ago. There is also a house across the road that has had 16 PV panels and a FIT tariff for a long time.
Although his last comment when I asked why they were being obstructive was probably nearest the mark. "Because they can." Apparently they have a certain number of working days to respond, and that takes us into July. I can't make any waves because apparently he shouldn't have made the system live at all prior to the G99 being issued, or at the very least limited the inverter to 3.5 kW. However he didn't, and we're on a "don't ask don't tell" basis here.