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So my brother recently got a Suzuki Swift and recommended me to consider these shock buffers to raise a bit the car, make the experience smoother and protect from bumps in the road.
Honestly, my city got a loooot of potholes, bumps, and terrible "fixes" for these - so it ends up being a place to drive roughly.
I used one of this in the past but ive been told different opinions on this
Some say it makes the suspension system out of align - because it changes it's behavior and intended compression and movement.
So it actually reduces lifespan of suspension components.
The sellers of these products swear it augments lifespan of the struts, making break better because it doesnt drop in the front and more stable in curves because it doesn't weight down on the contrary side when cornering...
So im wondering.
Anyone have experience with these stuff in their mg4?
I dont mind an extra 0.5 ~ 1" height. If it doesnt set everything else off.
Let me know what you think

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