I really don’t know why he / she thought it was necessary to put this on the sheet, as
this type of surface rust would likely be evident on so many cars ??.
These components carry little or no rust protection coatings on them.
Did they make the assumption that the customer would be willing to pay for these items to be replaced - I think not ?.
Removing the wheel trims even on a brand new car, is very likely to disclose that surface rust has already formed on the end of the CV joint.
This would have been clearly visible on the PDI check, before fitting of the aero wheel covers ( ZS EV ).
But maybe not really a good idea to include this statement on the PDI sheet of a brand new car, should the customer ask to see a copy !.
Almost every make of cars, now carry out a so called “free health check” when your car is presented for work, even work under warranty.
You get the check even if you have not requested it.
Why - Looking to generate extra revenue ?.
I had first hand experience of this when my previous VW hybrid was called in for a recall check on the traction battery.
We could not use our local dealer as a specialist team was travelling around the U.K. doing this checks.
We had to use a dedicated dealer about 60 miles away.
The car had only been serviced three weeks prior at our local VW agents.
The car was booked in for a couple of days, due to the distance involved, we had a loan car.
When we picked up our car, I was presented with a free health check sheet with items that had been highlighted for our urgent

It also contained an estimate for the work to be carried out.
From memory, one of the items stated that my brake fluid required urgent replacement at a cost of £80.
Strange I thought, because it was only changed three weeks earlier at my local agents and I had left the service book on the passengers seat ??.
A quick check would have clearly revealed that this had already been done ????.
I held out my hand for my keys and then said “Nice Try” and left the service advisor still grasping the sheet with a blank expression on his face.
Service work is usually held by the dealer you prefer to use generally, there is no guarantee that this information is shared between branches.
All warranty work has to be first agreed by the manufacturers customer services department, so this IS recorded on file to them at least.