All manufacturers have issues regardless of where they sit in the great hierarchy. Hyundai 1.6 engines, not so hot, plenty of failures I understand, gearboxes on some Peugeot and Renault, the VAG 2.0 tdi oil pump saga that they then stuck in skoda superbs without modding it even though failure had occurred in VW cars, ford ecoboom engines, the list goes on.
Not all of the above have been handled well in terms of how customers were supported so spending more doesn’t always mean things will be better.
I don’t understand singling MG out as being so much worse than any of the manufacturers above, they are all much of a muchness in my mind having owned all sorts over the years.
Reading posts here that I have made a poor decision over and over is wearing thin as well but that’s life I guess. I‘ve had issues that I’ve posted about but since being updated my Trophy seems to be swanning along very nicely now thanks.
Probably won’t check in as often now
This is only the fifth car I have owned in my life. Two Fiestas, a Peugeot 306 and the Golf. I haven't had a lemon yet and I'm crossing my fingers in the hope that this isn't the one. When I say no lemon, well, the Peugeot had an issue with the passenger seat continually coming off its rails. They fixed it several times but the fix was temporary and by the time they decided it needed a new seat it was out of warranty. Its AC failed when it was eight years old, and latterly it had an issue with a mysteriously discharging battery and water coming in somewhere. It went to the scrappage scheme in 2009.
The Golf's engine blew up just three months shy of its third birthday - so under warranty. VW put a new engine in it. A wheel fell off when it was ten, and then fell off a second time after being fixed.
Something always happens. But neither of these cars were lemons from the get-go and I kept both of them, very happily, for many years.
I'm aware that the MG4 is a risk. It's a very new model, it's Chinese, and it's silly cheap compared to its rivals. All that telegraphs "be careful". But I chose to take that risk. It was that or an older second-hand EV that wouldn't have the advances being made in the technology, or as good a second-hand Golf GTi as I could reasonably afford. And I didn't want another ICE car, EVs are the way to go I believe.
Ideally I might have waited a year to see if further technological advances, or even more experience under the MG4s belt, would change the equation. But everything conspired to make 2023 the year I had to change my car. I bit the bullet and took what I realised was a bit of a risk, and right now I have a car I'm pretty chuffed with.
So ignore the people who say you made a poor decision. You made a decision that has a good chance of working out very well, but which has some risk. Others, for whom the risk didn't work out, are obviously feeling quite negative. But the numbers are on your side. Most people are very happy with their cars.