My own feeling is that, whereas driving economically as a habit is no doubt a good thing, electric cars are so damn cheap to run (if you charge at home) compared to ICE cars that there's no reason at all to compromise comfort "to conserve range". Certainly in a one-off situation, where maybe adverse weather or a detour has messed up your calculations for your next charging stop, freezing your bits off to get a bit further before running out might have to be considered.
If you're regularly having to resort to extreme measures to make it back home from your daily driving, you bought a car with too small a battery. But let's face it, even the SR will do 130 miles useable range in the depths of winter while being flogged along a motorway, and who does that sort of mileage on a daily basis? Not many people, and they all bought the ER anyway.
Use your car to suit you, don't inconvenience yourself to suit the car. Stay warm, stay cool, and put your foot down on a fun bit of road if you want to. "Conserving range"is for the occasional, unusual situation where you've miscalculated. Apart from that, all it's worth is bragging rights, and who wants to freeze (or indeed bake) for the sake of bragging rights?