Ours is called Camden girl as its a grey trophy.Mine was called Fluke but she's now earned the name Chinese Terrance while the faults are unfixed.
Mine's called Satsuma - same comment!Mine's called 'OREO' the color gives it away..
Mine is an easy one, working off my regI’m kinda boring, I had “The Juke”, “The i3”, “the i30” (affectionately AKA “The Big Blue Slug” after the i3 was so nippy)
“The MG4/The XPower” is AKA “The Turbo Tango”
No genders or anything, just descriptive but I know others do so if you’d like, share them and any story of origin ?
(Hope this isn’t a duplicate post, I tried searching but searching for “name” in thread titles seems to return all threads heh)