Incorrect. We did had the message when we got the ZS (mk 1, second hand) delivered.
It took us about 7 months with a weekly charge to 100% to get the battery pack completely equalised.
So if you get the message, you are way too late with balancing.
When buying second hand, it is hard to tell ( unless you have the necessary equipment) to tell what type of charging protocol / type of charging, that the car has been subjected too.
Some may have conducted a lot of D/C rapid charges in its previous life and little A/C charging ?.
As we know, rapid charging is unlikely to produce any / no balancing of the cells.
A number of rapid cycles followed by no A/C cycles COULD have induced the warning

A large number of A/C balance cycles suggests that the pack was indeed n a state of unbalance.
It’s worth remembering that some of the early models of the Gen1 ZS EV were affected by a software bug that entered the system when certain updates were done.
This affected the pack by reducing the range of car and cells became unbalanced.
D/C rapid charging just made matters worse !.
The BMS update addressed the problem, but customers were advised strongly, to carry out A/C balance cycles more frequently in an attempt to rebalance the pack and therefore recover the battery.
Owners that exclusively charge from a A/C supply, never appear to receive the warning, which is to be expected I guess ?.
Unless you try to manually “Part Charge” the pack by stopping the charge on a regular basis, which could trigger a warning.
We owned a Gen 1 for over two years and covered about 20,000 miles, it was always charged from home on our 7Kw wall box and I had the ability to roughly charge to around 80% SOC fairly often.
Unless we required a full 100% charge, for a longer trip, then the pack would balance cycle of course.
We never received the warning message on our car.