I hope you didn't take offence at the wrong valley remark ,it wasn't meant as such . Most people think of the Rhondda Valleys as one valley, in fact is two , Rhondda Fawr ( Large ) and Rhondda Fach ( Small ) . I live in the Fawr and that sport centre is in the Fach with a mountain between us . I wouldn't expect someone from Leeds to know that and was meant as a jest

Anyway , back to the issue in hand . I've still not had a reply from Octopus

. What I did today was log out of my Electroverse app and loaded the map which now showed 53p per kWh . Logged into my account and loaded the map 64p kWH . All rather confusing really .
I suppose it could mean one of two things :-
1. There's abug in the Beta version of the app
2. Connected Kerb and/ or Electroverse are about to bump their prices again
Hope it's 1