Gadget Geek
Distinguished Member
I don't watch these, but I'm guessing he's talking bollocks:
Obvious click bait thumbnail. He can stick that where the sun don't shine.
I don't watch these, but I'm guessing he's talking bollocks:
I took the smelliest, noisiest diesel bus into Edinburgh today after parking the car in Linlithgow. It was so bad that I got off early and walked the final bit on to Princes street. I had a coffee in the art gallery and spent a couple of hours wandering around the paintings. The number of green stripers is definitely on the increase all throughout Edinburgh on all classes of vehicles. I couldn’t face another diesel, free bus pass or no, so I returned on the fast, comfortable, near silent train, and finally the sanctuary of the fabulous five for the last three miles.Tesla hasn't pulled out, that was apparently disinfo.
I was counting green stripes on the way home from the shops this afternoon (14 miles), then I realised I was following a 2019 Leaf, which of course has no green stripe!
Bad vibrations.I had a fairly hectic couple of days a few weeks ago. Out late in Glasgow on the Friday, charging all night on the granny to get enough to cope with Saturday, into Edinburgh first thing (Leith), then move to the Canongate after lunch (yes I got parked), rehearsal then concert in the evening. Getting changed for the concert I remarked how chirpy and not-tired I felt despite all that driving.
I remembered the previous concert before Christmas, also in Auld Reekie, and being too tired to bother putting makeup on. But then I thought, I had the MG4 by then. Then I remembered. No parking available. We'd travelled all the way on a smelly noisy diesel bus. The Fantastic Four had been left at home.
I swear the ICE puts out something that leaves you tired for hours after you've been in it.
True they haven’t pulled out altogether but I doubt the cheaper Tesla is going to be affordable.Tesla hasn't pulled out, that was apparently disinfo.
I was counting green stripes on the way home from the shops this afternoon (14 miles), then I realised I was following a 2019 Leaf, which of course has no green stripe!
You and me both. I was tempted to do so last night after reading some of the comments on Geoff’s latest video.I've just had a weekend away in Cheltenham at a Brett Wales Music Festival (Brett plays Wersi Organs and is an amazing Musician), I used my BMW i3, 94ah REX as my transport. It only has around 11 miles of range at this time of year but I do have the option of using the Range Extender (a generator mounted under the boot floor). Using ZapMap I took around 5 minutes to plan my route electing to charge at Hopwood Services, at Beefeater in Cheltenham and again Hopwood services on my return journey.
Outbound journey, I arrived at Hopwood with 8% remaining, straight up to a charger. It has 16 Applegreen, 36 Tesla superchargers and 3 Gridserve rapids. Applegreen chargers drive up, plug in, swipe card job done. 68p kWh, went for a coffee, in 25 minutes I had more than enough to get me to Cheltenham. Sunday morning, plugged in at the Beefeater while I had a Full English, charged 100% ready for my return journey (no queue and therefore no issues with last 10% being slower. Monday morning back up to Hopwood, charged to 90% on Applegreen again, and then back home.
The whole system worked brilliantly, whilst I don't like paying the rapid charger prices, there was little by way of inconvenience. In terms of cost, £1.80 for my full battery from home £5.25 at Hopwood, £23.10 at the Beefeater, £6.30 at Hopwood. Grand total £36.45 or 12.1p per mile, thats great EVeering in my book. Maybe I should start a positive EV Youtube channel to counter the muppet nay sayers?
That really shook me.
They were burning fags indoors and driving petrol cars.
I don't watch these, but I'm guessing he's talking bollocks:
I just keep reporting as spreading misinformation and liesHe's on my blocked list so I don't even see the click bait thumbnail.
Mmmm, old news. Oct 2023. Funny I live in the area, and actually mow the grass in front of the Centre. First I've heard of it. So not world shattering news, apparently. ?This is intriguing me. Just this single local-rag report of what appears to have been an EV on charge in a car park catching fire and burning out. (Also picked up by the Sun, but not by the Daily Mail for some reason.)
Firefighters rush to 'charging electric car' in flames at sports centre
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service attended an incident at Selwyn Jones Sports Centre, Ashton Road, Newton-le-Willows in the early hours of…
A single fire appliance attended and was on site for a total of just over an hour. The fire was extinguished using only a couple of water jets. No report of the make or model, merely assuming the car was an EV because it was parked in a charging bay.
The car is a mess and I have no idea how to tell if it was an EV (or a plug-in hybrid) or not. The ease of extinguishing suggests the battery (if it was an EV) didn't catch fire, but the fire crews upping sticks and departing after such a short time rather suggests nobody was particularly worried about re-ignition.
I'm surprised this hasn't turned into a big thing with the EV haters, but it seems it hasn't. I can't find anything more about it.