I too think that they're great. During my BMS reversal and recovery They were great and always ready with advice.
We should invite David Turner of Frasers along to the Falkirk get-together
That's not a bad shout!

I didn't realise this thread existed as I got the wife's ZS EV from them. They have a branch in Edinburgh (it's only for sales) but due to the staff being furloughed, they closed it down and had the sales manager, Wullie, work out of Falkirk, who dealt with us.
As with everyone else, I think(!), we had a good experience with them. Wullie was well versed with the procedure for buying the car using the interest free EST loan (only available for residents in Scotland, I'm afraid!

)and sent of details / documents immediately when needed.
Dave Turner was equally fantastic and when he valued the wife's old diesel Qashqai, he found it was worth an extra £1000 to what I was expecting - that and the cracking deal he offered us is what sealed the deal for me and my wife to buy from them
However, I've just phoned them and, on the day of the meet, Dave's on holiday (heading northwards towards Fort William) and Wullie's on his day off. Dave was very grateful, and flattered, for the invite and will see if someone can pop along. If they can't make it for this meet, there's always the next one!
The wife bought the service plan with them, so we'll be coming up next April and it's good to know we'll be in safe hands with them for the next 4 years!