I will try it, seems long winded and I like having 210 on the GOM?
Ok, the car was picked up 2 years and one month ago and has done 9800 miles.
Only fast charged twice about 45 kw and charged on granny charger all other times apart from Aldi charger 3 kw?
MG EV facebook forum got rather gobby when I gave them facts.
Also see pic
Thank you for uploading your picture of your current settings.
Sorry, it does sound a little "Long Winded" and yes I guess it is, to be fair !.
I totally get your point
@sideways and yeah it's great to see the predicted range displaying a healthy range of 210 miles.
Both myself and others have seen this after the BMS update, but it can be seen as very misleading.
They say a picture say's a thousands words.
I see in your picture, that you are displaying your "Current Journey".
That's fine !.
But on the next screen ( not shown ) you will see your "Accumulated" miles, this combined with the "Current" trip is what inflates the predicted range that you are witnessing.
Your picture show's that you are using "Eco" mode, which is fine, but by its pure nature, provides the best predicted mileage possible.
Your Miles/Kwh is brilliant at 6.3 but does reflect the low average speed of 28 MPH.
It appears that you are an extremely low user case, with a car that is now over two years old and only covering 7619 miles.
When the "Long Winded" steps are followed 100% correctly, I would expect to see a pack voltage of 448 - 450 volts and a predicted range of around 163 miles.
Why is any of this necessary, I hear you say ?.
Well, given your small usage case, then quite frankly - It's not that important to you !.
Please don't think I am trying to tell you how to suck egg's here and don't in anyway want to come over as "Gobby".
The strange way that the trips work to produce this inflated prediction of the range, is some thing that only appears to happen after the Jan 15th released BMS update has been applied.
It does affect cars running on the original factory soft ware.
If you allow BOTH of the trips to continue to over inflate the predicted mileage, when you then decide to take a LONG trip based on this inflated prediction ( say 210 miles ) then I can almost guarantee that you will not get even close to that figure !.
You will set off with your 210 miles of range, but as the car detects the change of use pattern, it will start stripping back the range really fast !.
Resetting the trips before you start, will see your precious 210 miles of range disappear I am sorry to say, but what you will get in return, is a MUCH better and closer predicted mileage that could be achieved.
It is easy for me to see why your predicted range is 210 miles.
Given the picture you have kindly provided.
If you wish to see your inflated range, then do nothing at all and it is very likely to keep increasing.
But in reality, it is massively over rated and more importantly unachievable.
Which when carrying out a long journey, is extremely important that the prediction is closer to an actual figure.