I think I understand how you feel but, in slight defence of the staff at Charles Warner, they were as devastated as we previous customers (in my case, nearly 30 years) when told the business was closing. When I visited the dealership in April the workshop manager, whom I have known for that same period of time, was nearly in tears when admitting this was the last time we would meet.
As to whether the business owner(s) should have sent out notifications, that is a different matter! He/they decided to close and sell the premises.
However, are you aware there is a new dealership now open at Evans Halshaw, Grantham? My wife and I both have MG cars; hers is a 3 (not the "new" hybrid version) and mine a 5. We shall certainly be investigating using them in the future!
(As you will see from my profile, I also live (near) Sleaford!)