Established Member
We have probably all had a similar experience at some point in our EV ownership.Had my first panic on a 200 mile trip home last night. Thought I'd make it easily as I usually get over 20 miles per 10% battery but as I got to 30% I realised that my mpkm had been steadily dropping and was down to 3.1 and I was getting about 15 miles per 10% and have 40 miles to go. Very very stressfull. Pulled into Leicester East services on M1 and assumed I would be able to charge, couldn't see any, pulled out Zapmap, NOTHING! I trhought that all services had charging these days. Luckily there was a Maccys with 4 fasts Instavolts a few miles off the motorway so I managed to get there and luckily they worked. I'm guessing a dramatic drop in temperature caused it (I did not have the heater or wipers on etc). I'm never going to get in that situation again, I'll always get more than enough charge when I can (I could have stopped at Trentham Tesla but chose not to).