We all know that the App can be a bit buggy and asks you to log in every now and then.
Mine has always reported on 12 items including the windows, even though it used to often say the drivers window was open when it was closed.
Suddenly the other day it asked me to re-log in and now only reports on 11 items, missing the windows.
Anyone else had this happen or know how to fix it.
My App started reporting the drivers window status as incorrect a few weeks ago.
It was a 50 / 50 thing at first, then it reported the drivers window as being open all of the time, when it was not of course.
13 items reported on a system check with no issues, but clearly this was inaccurate.
Other owners have witnessed the same condition, so we are not alone my friend.
Like yourself, I tried using the App this morning, to check on the SOC of the car after charging it last night.
I was quickly prompted to log back into the App again.
Arh …. I was hopeful that the issue had been picked up and therefore may have been resolved !.
Well sort of you might say ?????.
Because now it does not incorrectly report the position of the drivers window, as the feature has been removed from the list ?.
What’s all that about ????.
I guess that is one way to address it - remove it !.
It is now only reporting eleven items on the check list, instead of usual twelve.
Maybe ? they know there is a problem and have removed the feature until they find the glitch and will then return it to the menu.
Or maybe not, who know’s !!!!!.
Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that it has not disappeared down the same dark hole as the over the air updates folks !.
Anybody else witnessed this strange phenomenon ?.