It's had quite a lot of twitter coverage in the past few days too - I can understand why some Tesla owners might feel a touch annoyed that their USP is being eroded - but if they don't allow access at the busier sites (when this rolls out nationwide) and use the increased revenue to further extend the network - then everyone wins.
Grid serve etc getting in on the act for providing a brilliant service for multiple charges points etc.
They have big plans to expand across other parts of the country which is great, but they need to build the infrastructure first.
Tesla has a huge advantage here, because many of these areas are already covered by the super charger network
I believe Tesla see this as an opportunity to get in and earn some money from expanding their customer base.
The charging and car building programs are run as two completely different companies.
Bjorn even gives a demo on how other people cars, will access the Tesla units.
I can imagine a Tesla owner, rolling up to a supercharge site, finding it full of other models charging that are NOT Tesla’s !.
That is going to really stretch on your ability to control your temper alright.
It has been mentioned that when Tesla have been applying for planning permission for new sites lately, the local council bodies have been asking for FULL multiple use access for all EV makes of car on the units.
Don’t know if this is 100% correct, but it would explain the new approach to other EV owners.
It will be truly welcomed by all EV owners I would think, if and when it comes to the U.K.