LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

I tried the sticker over the camera and yes, it keeps it quiet, only thing is I like adaptive cruise.
Again its mainly about the driving you do , for myself its mainly A and B roads , hilly and twisty , different widths and markings. I don,t use ACC on these roads ,the speed recognition system is unreliable 80% of the time and the flashing is intrusive. The LKA on mine is not that bad in respect to its intensity but again on these roads its always engaging /disengaging so no two corners are the same and the manual does say turn it off, but if we are doing multiple stops and to have to reset every start is tiresome and forgetful , so for me , this is my preferred option. I realise it has its faults and is not for everyone but at the end of the day its an option.
I notice that Android Auto gets the speed limits right - presumably it's using the known limits on the roads rather than trying to read the signs and getting it wrong. And it doesn't flash at you either, presumably because it has no idea what speed you're doing anyway.
AA does know what speed you're doing - well your phone does, as it uses GPS to determine your position and change in position vs time = speed. :)

Waze satnav app will show you the speed limit and your own (GPS) speed if so configured.
AA does know what speed you're doing - well your phone does, as it uses GPS to determine your position and change in position vs time = speed. :)

Waze satnav app will show you the speed limit and your own (GPS) speed if so configured.

I suppose that makes sense when you think about it. At least it doesn't flash!

I used to have a thing that showed GPS speed and warned about speeding cameras. I chucked it when it seemed to be causing a parasitic drain on the Peugeot's battery.
Thought I'd add my tuppence in regard to LKA. I had always kept LKA off since I got the car last September, it stayed off because it's a Trophy and running the original software. It went in for a service on Monday and all the software got updated, so I was thinking I'd have some issues with LKA. I've been on a 70 mile trip today up the M5 and through some very small twisty lanes in Gloucestershire, using ACC on a lot of roads except the smallest twisty ones, and to my surprise and delight the LKA acted just like it should. It gave me a warning when it detected I was crossing a line without indicating, a gentle tug on the steering wheel to correct which can be easily overridden, nothing too intrusive or dangerous and all at the default settings.

I'd recommend everyone to get their software updated to the latest version as soon as you can. If you still have issues, then I can only assume you are one of those drivers who finds it difficult to stay between the lines at the best of times, or you can't be arsed to indicate when you should. Please take that last sentence with the humour intended.

In summary, I think the latest LKA software is fine and not intrusive or dangerous.
Thought I'd add my tuppence in regard to LKA. I had always kept LKA off since I got the car last September, it stayed off because it's a Trophy and running the original software. It went in for a service on Monday and all the software got updated, so I was thinking I'd have some issues with LKA. I've been on a 70 mile trip today up the M5 and through some very small twisty lanes in Gloucestershire, using ACC on a lot of roads except the smallest twisty ones, and to my surprise and delight the LKA acted just like it should. It gave me a warning when it detected I was crossing a line without indicating, a gentle tug on the steering wheel to correct which can be easily overridden, nothing too intrusive or dangerous and all at the default settings.

I'd recommend everyone to get their software updated to the latest version as soon as you can. If you still have issues, then I can only assume you are one of those drivers who finds it difficult to stay between the lines at the best of times, or you can't be arsed to indicate when you should. Please take that last sentence with the humour intended.

In summary, I think the latest LKA software is fine and not intrusive or dangerous.
Thanks for your post. Coincidentally I had just written this on another thread:

My first service is due November and I'm a little worried re software updates and the LKA. I'm one of the lucky ones I think, where I turned off LKA soon after getting the car, and its never come back on again. None of this faffing around having to turn it off at the start of every journey! I'm worried then that at the service they will do software updates, and the LKA will then be the same as others where it comes back on again.
Add me to the list of extremely disgruntled yokels. That LKA is b***** danger to life. On our narrow B-roads it's as likely to push me violently further to the right out of the lane towards the oncoming traffic as to push me suddenly too far to the left where there is no white line/hard shoulder and straight into a ditch. It is simply not fit for purpose on country roads.

Having to switch if off via sub-menus and the extra "are you sure?" sub-Microsoft-paperclip-helper-level nonsense for every journey is a total faff. Maybe it is useful on motorways but I don't drive enough on them to say. It is certainly far, far worse than the LKA on my previous car (Audi). And it allowed you to switch it off with one push on a steering wheel control which was no faff at all.

It is my biggest gripe behind the CarPlay nonsense with this car. I love everything else about it (apart from maybe having to demist the rear screen rather than wiping is clean in a fraction of the time/energy).
Add me to the list of extremely disgruntled yokels. That LKA is b***** danger to life. On our narrow B-roads it's as likely to push me violently further to the right out of the lane towards the oncoming traffic as to push me suddenly too far to the left where there is no white line/hard shoulder and straight into a ditch. It is simply not fit for purpose on country roads.

Having to switch if off via sub-menus and the extra "are you sure?" sub-Microsoft-paperclip-helper-level nonsense for every journey is a total faff. Maybe it is useful on motorways but I don't drive enough on them to say. It is certainly far, far worse than the LKA on my previous car (Audi). And it allowed you to switch it off with one push on a steering wheel control which was no faff at all.

It is my biggest gripe behind the CarPlay nonsense with this car. I love everything else about it (apart from maybe having to demist the rear screen rather than wiping is clean in a fraction of the time/energy).
There is an update that has been proven to tame it right down, it's just a case of moaning to your dealer, trying to get it booked in and keeping your fingers crossed you get the right update and it doesn't mess with anything else
Thanks - I thought I had the latest one but perhaps not. It's a full day for me to get this sorted given to location of dealer and their lack of speed in doing updates (last time but one they kept the car a day and couldn't get the update to work so needed it back another day) but will put it near the top of the list as LKA is bane of my driving life! ?
I notice that Android Auto gets the speed limits right - presumably it's using the known limits on the roads rather than trying to read the signs and getting it wrong. And it doesn't flash at you either, presumably because it has no idea what speed you're doing anyway.
Android auto know exactly how fast you are going... try Google maps on your phone. I use it while teaching my son to drive as I xant see the speedo from the passenger seat in his car .
I know it is another rant about the LKA, is nobody at MG listening? Had I realised how tedious it is to go through the procedure of resetting it to an acceptable level before driving off I think I would have really thought twice about it.

Even with the updated software which does give more control, it still resets to the strongest alert level even if the sensitivity remains low. I live in the country and get lots of false LKA triggers on country roads, it is very wearing having the steering wrenched toward a hedge or the other carriageway for no reason other than having forgot to turn the bloody thing down. I am quite happy with an alert, which I think would be enough for anyone, with an option to increase the level if I require it.

I guess that I am not the only frustrated MG4 owner out there but I will ask again.

!!!! Is anybody at MG listening !!!!
I should say that I think it is a great car and I am very happy with it except for the LKA and not being able to have a non automated cruise control but that is another story.
Absolutely, categorically not listening. To keep the NCAP5 rating, they have to default the LKA to on. In my humble opinion (and most other members if you read through) LKA is HATED by most users. Also IMHO, LKA at best is dangerous and at worst will prove to be lethal. Due to LKA, I have an ambulance crew that thinks I’m a complete idiot for waving them past, then veering into their lane and a small girl that probably thinks red cars are trying to kill her when she’s riding her little bike. Absolute crass decision as far as I’m concerned to not enable to default to last setting.

Lots of toys here ??
Aw man, all that help and nothing to bump into at 38,000 feet ?
Add me to the list of extremely disgruntled yokels. That LKA is b***** danger to life. On our narrow B-roads it's as likely to push me violently further to the right out of the lane towards the oncoming traffic as to push me suddenly too far to the left where there is no white line/hard shoulder and straight into a ditch. It is simply not fit for purpose on country roads.

Having to switch if off via sub-menus and the extra "are you sure?" sub-Microsoft-paperclip-helper-level nonsense for every journey is a total faff. Maybe it is useful on motorways but I don't drive enough on them to say. It is certainly far, far worse than the LKA on my previous car (Audi). And it allowed you to switch it off with one push on a steering wheel control which was no faff at all.

It is my biggest gripe behind the CarPlay nonsense with this car. I love everything else about it (apart from maybe having to demist the rear screen rather than wiping is clean in a fraction of the time/energy).
There are probably different updates. I feel like mine is giving me a gentle nudge. It's not welcome, but probably not dangerous. But yeah, it should simply not react unless there are 100% road markings.
I've had my Trophy for two days now, and absolutely loving it... having read all the negativity on this forum, I was worried about the LKA, but it has not been a problem. I haven't dived into the menus, and I assume it is on the default setting... and no problem at all. Lots of driving on B roads (none on Motorways yet), and the steering wheel has twitched a couple of times but so gently that I corrected it without thinking.
I don't like the LKA although it is not too violent on my MG4 LR delivered last March. It is incapable of correctly interpreting the potholes on my drive to work and I turn it off at the start of every journey. A small thing: when turning it off while driving (at slow speed) I only recently discovered that the control, rendered as a slider, can in fact be operated with a simple touch. Trying to slide it often failed. Maybe I was being stupid but just in case someone else has not realised. As for always defaulting to in, shouldn't we be complaining at Euro NCAP; it's their fault.
I've just been driving a small Toyota ICE hire car with an LKA. My co-driver (who drives a 10 year old Polo) was baffled by the bleeping noises and I only realised what it was when I took over the driving. I did feel the wheel twitch occasionally. It felt more subtle than the MG4 but it was still disconcerting.

We were on country roads on the island of Kos, and road markings were few and far between. However I was never pulled into a ditch.

I think that having these things default to on is a really bad idea for hire cars at a time when most drivers have never even heard of the system. I didn't bother trying to switch it off because it wasn't causing many problems on these line-less roads. But at least I'd have had some idea how to do that if I'd had to. A driver who doesn't know what LKA is who is sent off unknowingly in a car with a fierce system could be in a whole world of trouble.

So many impenetrable bells and whistles on new cars and they're all laid out differently and work differently. Once upon a time I could jump into anything and drive away immediately. Not now.

My co-driver will soon have to learn to drive Caliban. She's on the insurance. Lesson 1, how to turn off LKA.
Thought I'd add my tuppence in regard to LKA.
I'd recommend everyone to get their software updated to the latest version as soon as you can. If you still have issues, then I can only assume you are one of those drivers who finds it difficult to stay between the lines at the best of times, or you can't be arsed to indicate when you should. Please take that last sentence with the humour intended.
Last sentence is noted. ?
Agreeing with get the updates.

Problem is for now: LKA does not work the same all the time, pot holes, road edges, cracks in the tarmac, road markings, maybe a bird flying by (Who knows), all may or may not make the car react. When it's reacting you never know how it's going to react, sometimes you are in the middle of your lane and it turns you towards oncoming traffic, sometimes it stears you toward the ditch. Most of the time it gentle nugging on the steering wheel, other times it almost rips it out of your hands. Yesterday I was driving at 50mph and was a bit close to the middle roadmarking when the LKA (forgot to turn it off) turn the car towards and over the middle roadmarking and infront of another car coming in the oposite direction. I wrenched it back but not before seriously scearing the woman in the other car.

Problem is in short the LKA is unpredictable.

For me driving a lot on B roads that is not aceptable, it's bad enough it make me look bad but peoples life and health might be at risk.

I do not think MG or NCAP is going listen before some people are killed because of this.

My take is to not completly turn off the LKA but set it to warning only (that can be done fast while driving if one forget to set it before "takeoff").
In addision I turn of the sound but ceep the wibraration on.

Oh. I never keep it between the lines, i cut corners on my side (mostly) and uses the full with of the road when needed so I do not need someone/thing to be adjusting my direction while driving on the edge (of the tarmac). ?
Absolutely, categorically not listening. To keep the NCAP5 rating, they have to default the LKA to on. In my humble opinion (and most other members if you read through) LKA is HATED by most users. Also IMHO, LKA at best is dangerous and at worst will prove to be lethal. Due to LKA, I have an ambulance crew that thinks I’m a complete idiot for waving them past, then veering into their lane and a small girl that probably thinks red cars are trying to kill her when she’s riding her little bike. Absolute crass decision as far as I’m concerned to not enable to default to last setting.

Aw man, all that help and nothing to bump into at 38,000 feet ?
Isn't it ironic that the reason this defaults to 'on' every start is due to NCAP safety requirements, yet it's the most lethal and dangerous aspect of driving the MG4? How on earth did it even pass the NCAP rating with 5 stars, kind of makes a mockery of the NCAP test procedure.

EDIT: just to say, totally concur with the post above. It's the unpredictable nature which makes it doubly dangerous. If you could predict the dangerous behaviour it would be one thing, but knowing when or what it's going to do next is crazy.

I've had the update with the latest firmware and still experienced some dangerous LKA interventions


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