LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

I personally don't think the Trophy lka update is that great. Over the summer on dry roads of a uniform grey shade is wasn't as bad. Now, half way through September, with the roads wet / damp most of the time combined with low light, all sorts of defects, repairs being more prominent to the camera, it is almost as bad as before.
Perhaps different s/w? I can't tell, but I had the ZS (1st gen) & sone realised LKA was active so disabled it. From there on all good. Likewise, now with MG5 FL, 1st thing was disable LKA. Motorway/dual carriageways etc experience ok. I assumed LKA (disable) to be the same across all MG EV's?
Perhaps different s/w? I can't tell, but I had the ZS (1st gen) & sone realised LKA was active so disabled it. From there on all good. Likewise, now with MG5 FL, 1st thing was disable LKA. Motorway/dual carriageways etc experience ok. I assumed LKA (disable) to be the same across all MG EV's?
It depends on when the car was NCAP registered. The ZS and MG5 operate under the previous NCAP requirements so the LKA can be switched off and remain off. The MG4 was registered with updated regulations which require it to reset every time.
I found it very refreshing to drive SWMBO's MG5 SR last week, no unnecessary safety features, no bleeps, bongs and dings, a radio that works, climate control that works great on auto and Kers default settings that are perfectly suitable for mixed driving :giggle:
Why should you do all that. It's 2023?
LKA is dangerous on mg4 even with updates that supposedly tame it.I have LKA on a Kia Niro never has it tried to pull the wheel it’s smooth as anything on motorways it’s a pleasure to drive itself mg4 I held the wheel for dear life it was that violent mg known about this issue since release
Morning Mars6394
I don't know if you seen my post?
I've copied it as I'm not sure how to link it across to you.....

[IMG alt="Bricktop1967"][/IMG]

Good Morning Chaps, (Any Chapesses?)

So, in a follow up to what I wrote in a thread yesterday, I have done what I said I would do this morning, and gave the car a chance to come to life.
I let it go through it's checks before touching the brake pedal or any of the controls. (Can I just apologise if this has already been discovered and acted upon)

It takes my car from unlock to my personal greeting " Hello Chris and Jenny"
32 seconds.
I don't touch anything until that happens, then foot on brake pedal (as we all know) to bring up "System Ready"
Today I have driven a round trip to Haverfordwest of 48 miles, on a mixture of country lanes, urban roads and fast A and B roads.
I never turned off the LKA or adjusted any of the settings.
Everything was default MG at start up.

They car was exactly how I was expecting it to be from collection (i.e. working correctly)12 days ago.

Gave 2 warning bongs on the way there, but they were not false alarms, they reflected my slightly cutting corners and going over the center line.

1 bong on the way back and a gentle tug as I took a more direct line through a corner.
Absolutely as expected and no worse than my previous Audi.
I will repeat the exact trip again tomorrow to see if today's results are reflected again.
Even my wife was surprised at the total difference in the cars behaviour today!

The slight hum/vibe is still there but It will not be enough for me to reject the car.

The benefits far outweigh the negatives.
(More on that later, re me being off grid and using v2l)

If this test concludes the same way tomorrow and the car continues to behave itself, I will definitely be keeping it.
Nothing gets even remotely close to the performance for the money.
PLEASE stop talking about LKA being dangerous... if any lurkers are being put off buying the MG4 because of all this scare-mongering, then rest assured that the latest software update has addressed the earlier perceived problems with LKA. Although to be honest, I didn't find this to be an issue when I test-drove the car some 3 or 4 months ago. Now I have had my car for three days and done some driving on both motorway and A/B roads, the steering wheel has twitched a couple of times, very gently. My other half was driving today, looked at the central screen and drifted across the white line - the gentle nudge from the wheel concentrated her mind on her driving, so it worked!

So far, the car has been fantastic, and coming from a big gas-guzzling M-Sport 3.5 litre, I am totally happy (though I do miss the sound of the Beemer at full chat!)
I know it is another rant about the LKA, is nobody at MG listening? Had I realised how tedious it is to go through the procedure of resetting it to an acceptable level before driving off I think I would have really thought twice about it.

Even with the updated software which does give more control, it still resets to the strongest alert level even if the sensitivity remains low. I live in the country and get lots of false LKA triggers on country roads, it is very wearing having the steering wrenched toward a hedge or the other carriageway for no reason other than having forgot to turn the bloody thing down. I am quite happy with an alert, which I think would be enough for anyone, with an option to increase the level if I require it.

I guess that I am not the only frustrated MG4 owner out there but I will ask again.

!!!! Is anybody at MG listening !!!!
I should say that I think it is a great car and I am very happy with it except for the LKA and not being able to have a non automated cruise control but that is another story.
Same here lka is rubbish. Time mg got it sorted.
Is MG listening? Maybe, but not to it's users. No one was asking for an rear whiper or a very ugly climate control screen.
LKA scared the living carp out of me today. I was only off to the supermarket about one mile from me for my click and collect, consequently, I didn’t bother to turn LKA off. What a poor decision that turned out to be. Currently, I have to go the wrong way around the roundabout as the five way roundabout is currently only two lanes due to major roadworks. Anyone want to take a guess at what happened? It wrenched me back over the white line and caused me to mount the refuge at the entrance to the roundabout. Poor chap working on it nearly pooped his knickers! As did I. On checking if he was OK, he confessed to exactly the same thing this morning on his way to work. Same car, MG4 trophy, same roundabout, same refuge. This is getting REDICULOUS!

PLEASE stop talking about LKA being dangerous... if any lurkers are being put off buying the MG4 because of all this scare-mongering, then rest assured that the latest software update has addressed the earlier perceived problems with LKA. Although to be honest, I didn't find this to be an issue when I test-drove the car some 3 or 4 months ago. Now I have had my car for three days and done some driving on both motorway and A/B roads, the steering wheel has twitched a couple of times, very gently. My other half was driving today, looked at the central screen and drifted across the white line - the gentle nudge from the wheel concentrated her mind on her driving, so it worked!

So far, the car has been fantastic, and coming from a big gas-guzzling M-Sport 3.5 litre, I am totally happy (though I do miss the sound of the Beemer at full chat!)
Sorry bud, LKA is dangerous. Pure, simple. Dangerous. Look at my posts. Latest firmware, done a couple of weeks ago. NCAP excuse is laughable. I nearly hit a road worker today due to LKA.
LKA scared the living carp out of me today. I was only off to the supermarket about one mile from me for my click and collect, consequently, I didn’t bother to turn LKA off. What a poor decision that turned out to be. Currently, I have to go the wrong way around the roundabout as the five way roundabout is currently only two lanes due to major roadworks. Anyone want to take a guess at what happened? It wrenched me back over the white line and caused me to mount the refuge at the entrance to the roundabout. Poor chap working on it nearly pooped his knickers! As did I. On checking if he was OK, he confessed to exactly the same thing this morning on his way to work. Same car, MG4 trophy, same roundabout, same refuge. This is getting REDICULOUS!
Do you have this on dashcam? If so we need to start posting this sort of footage on YouTube in order for MG to take notice.
I've looked at some of my footage but it is not really dramatic enough to convey just how dangerous it is. I have already written to MG UK and told them it is only a matter of time before someone is killed and that I, and hundreds of other drivers will be willing witnesses as to this dangerous and needless system.
Do you have this on dashcam? If so we need to start posting this sort of footage on YouTube in order for MG to take notice.
I've looked at some of my footage but it is not really dramatic enough to convey just how dangerous it is. I have already written to MG UK and told them it is only a matter of time before someone is killed and that I, and hundreds of other drivers will be willing witnesses as to this dangerous and needless system.
My dash cam is waiting to be fitted, I might have to make this a priority.
PLEASE stop talking about LKA being dangerous... if any lurkers are being put off buying the MG4 because of all this scare-mongering, then rest assured that the latest software update has addressed the earlier perceived problems with LKA. Although to be honest, I didn't find this to be an issue when I test-drove the car some 3 or 4 months ago. Now I have had my car for three days and done some driving on both motorway and A/B roads, the steering wheel has twitched a couple of times, very gently. My other half was driving today, looked at the central screen and drifted across the white line - the gentle nudge from the wheel concentrated her mind on her driving, so it worked!

So far, the car has been fantastic, and coming from a big gas-guzzling M-Sport 3.5 litre, I am totally happy (though I do miss the sound of the Beemer at full chat!)
LKA is more than dangerous has been since release day.someone will have a serious issue one day over this system.MG are not interested at all.the updates they do are garbage and just bring more and more issues with different systems.
On a side note, I popped on my year old desktop computer this morning and it took much longer than 30 seconds before I could actually use it!
What have you done to the poor little love? I have a 5 year old Intel i5 NUC that boots from cold to online in 14 seconds. My 7 year old Intel laptop boots from cold to online in 11 seconds. Neither of them are ‘special’ or gaming machines. May I suggest a disk cleanup and defragment.
What have you done to the poor little love? I have a 5 year old Intel i5 NUC that boots from cold to online in 14 seconds. My 7 year old Intel laptop boots from cold to online in 11 seconds. Neither of them are ‘special’ or gaming machines. May I suggest a disk cleanup and defragment.
You must have one of them new fangled SSD's in your puter box. I still have to prod the hamster in his wheel to get him to turn the hard disc platters faster.

What have you done to the poor little love? I have a 5 year old Intel i5 NUC that boots from cold to online in 14 seconds. My 7 year old Intel laptop boots from cold to online in 11 seconds. Neither of them are ‘special’ or gaming machines. May I suggest a disk cleanup and defragment.
It is a cheapo Lenovo, very basic (read slow) Cheap, did I mention it was cheap, cheapest thing in Currys.
And has always taken about 30 seconds to be ready.
Always bloody checking for updates and the like before it decides its ready to work. ?

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