After a closer look, I don't think silicone spray is enough for the lock of the charging door, because the thinner silicone does not prevent water or snow from accumulating inside the locking mechanism. The way the locking mechanism is designed, snow that is on the outside will be pressed into the mechanism when you close the door. Or water can get into the mechanism and freeze, blocking the mechanism.
I think the solution for the locking mechanism is to lubricate it with some form of water/salt resistant grease. So far I have considered acid-free vaseline, a PTFT gun grease (you use what you have) and not least the favorite white lithium/PTFP grease for bicycles (if I can find the tube again). I also see that the dealer has lubricated the lock with grease which has now partially worn away.
Considering all the snow that collects in the charging port/locking mechanism of the charging port door, I think the time has come to buy a rain/snow cover with a magnetic attachment from Ali Express.