Hello, my MG ZS EV (Trophy) is now for three months running fantastic. Just one issue, at home 7kW Type 2 charger works very well, with no problem at all. But outside charging on public stations with Type 2 (43 kW) or CCS is very unreliable. It originally used to charge outside very well, but I stopped using outside charging since I got home a 7kW charger. After that, most of the time, when I try charging at a public station, it is very unreliable (8 out of 10 times, it won't charge on fast Type 2 or CCS with three pins in the top plug). With this, the work commute is fine, but taking the car on a long journey, I feel very anxious. Spoke to a dealership, but they don't seem to know about such issues. Did anyone else feel such a thing? Or, am I missing something very basic here? Thanks. - Kunal
The "fast type 2" will still only be 11 KW or 7 KW, depending on what AC charger is in your car.
UK : 7 KW charger
Mainland Europe : 11 KW charger.
The thing i found when charging on CCS or Type 2 destination chargers is, the following.
1. Each company seems to have their own method, some needs the CCS inserted before doing anything, others need you to initiate the transaction and only when it has contacted the charger, will you be asked to connect the CCS and confirm in the app.
2. No matter what charger i use, the charger will not be able to start, until i have actively locked the car, after inserting the CCS, only then is the CCS locked in place and the car allows the charge to start.
When i go to a charger from a company i used before, and i know the procedure, starting the charging process is fairly simple, but when i get to a new "brand" it takes a few tried so get the sequence right, and have the charging start.
The easiest one i have ever used was a new charger at a local petrol station, where they owned and operated the charger.
Pull up, plug in the CCS, hold my wireless payment card to the reader and lock the doors on the car and off it went.
The worst was one i tried in Germany yesterday, i have charged 2 times there without any big problems, but yesterday it was an absolute nightmare, that started with a Dutch man trying to end his charging, but the car would not stop, he was unable to stop it via the app, and in the end he had to call a number on the charger to get them to force close the charger.
After that they rebooted the charge point alltogether, but it would still not initiate the charge when i did as i had done before.