I have come to the conclusion that nobody from the dealer to MGUK to SAIC know what each other are doing.
All the excuses contradict each other. I am fed up of being treated very poorly. I feel like I am almost begging for them to supply me with a car.
Basically if you order via a preferred dealer you have a better chance than if you go to a small dealer. I failed here going to a small local dealer.
If you commit to order a car you have less chance of getting it than if you tell all dealers to contact you once they have a car on their forecourt - guaranteed to get a car within a few weeks although you may have to travel to collect. Again failed here - they have me on a list, try to get more market share by releasing stock to people who are not prepared to wait, using all the parts up that was supposed to build my car.
I really can’t see a car materialising any time soon. They really don’t care - for every one of me there are a hundred that will buy the car.
Either sit and wait until MG decide to prioritise me to supply me a car over some dealers who need stock to sell, or worse still they could decide to cancel it because to supply my vehicle at the November 2021 price list is not as profitable as using the parts to make one without a sunroof and sell for a grand more.
It is disgraceful how we are being treated now and it is a concern how are they going to be if there are any problems with the cars once they are delivered - getting through to customer services is a joke.