You'll have to forgive me as I'm pretty new to the new car ordering game ??
So the cars are being built, but without the semi conductors, which are added when they are available?
Absolutely spot on !.
Then kept production lines running and built a HUGE stock piles of cars.
Fields and fields of them, all sitting there awaiting head units !.
I had the opportunity to work at a car plant for about 18 months, it was truly an education.
At that time, new car registrations where only once a year on August the 1st.
To hit dealer targets, line rates would be increased from about May time.
By the summer months, thousands of untrimmed cars would sit parked up on company owned or leased hard standing.
Then, as the orders came flooding in from the dealers, the cars would pass through the "Soft Trim" area and have all of the interior items installed.
This would happen 24 hours a day, seven days a week !.
The seats etc was left out, to prevent the trim from fading by the strong sun light in the summer time.
Remember, these cars would just sit there for a good couple of months in the very same location, without even moving an inch !.
You would see a convoy of drivers shipping cars back into the factory for weeks and weeks on end.
They would have a rescue team following behind installing new batteries and adding fuel to the cars that had run out of fuel, on the way back to the factory.
This was one of the reasons why, the industry asked for twice a year registrations to take place.
To try and address the "Feast or Famine" situation caused every year.